The wolfs and its preys

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Bora: Unnies! How do I look? Should I change? Maybe I should put this one instead of this one?

Yeni: Bora~ You look beautiful in whatever you are wearing. There is no need for you to change out of that. It fits you amazingly and perfectly!

Mini: But it does look a little like you are in another group but that is fine because you have another style than ours. You do not need to wear something you are uncomfortable with.

The other girls agreed with Mini unnie but I still was a bit unsure about everything. I wasn't completely different from the girls as I was wearing darker tones to match them but I was wearing clothes that would fall under the category business casual with black jeans and a dark blue button-up shirt compared to theirs which was more under the hip-hop category with variety jackets, hoodies, sweatpants and so on. They all looked more like a hip-hop crew compared to me. Mini unnie walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulder and looked at me with a smile.

Mini: I know that you are still worried since you are wearing something more formal compared to us but you don't have to worry at all. You are a part of this group no matter what you wear. Of course, clothes play a part in the whole hip-hop feel but sometimes those people who act and wear like "true hip-hoppers" aren't always like true hip-hoppers. It is all in your dance and your feelings so wear whatever you want and what you are comfortable with and please don't worry about not being a part of this group because of what you wear because I promise you that you will always be a part of this group no matter what you wear or what your dance style is.

Bora: Thank you unnie.

Mini: Always.

I smiled at Mini unnie as she copied my expression and pulled me into a hug. I sighed with relief. Now I didn't have to worry about what the other girls would think about my style choice. The only thing that I had to worry about was doing a great job or more than 100% on my dancing to make sure that they wouldn't be disappointed in me and that we would be able to win. We got in the van that would take us to the building where most of the filming would take place and arrived in front of a very large building that was towering over us. It was just like what I saw on TV in the other seasons. The closer we got to the building, the more nervous I got. I glanced over to the girls and saw them just walking and looking around nonchalantly and comfortably like they didn't have anything to worry about. I took a deep breath in and acted the same way as them. I couldn't be a burden anymore. I just have to bite through everything. We got inside and up to the floor where our crew hangout would be.

Halo: Look at it! How pathetic they all are right now acting like they have a chance to win.

Yeni: Look at that writing. Unbelievable childish.

I walked behind the girls and looked at the chalkboards that were displayed in front of each of the crew's hangouts. We got to our room and I was caught by how beautiful and cool the whole room was.

Bora: Is this really our own room? Completely our own room? This is amazing! Look at the wallpaper! We have a tiger plushie in the room! This is amazing!

I ran over to the plushie and wrapped my arms around it in a tight hug. The girls looked at me with a raised eyebrow and shook their heads while chuckling at me.

Yeni: That plushie is all your Bora.

Chocol: But you can't deny that it looks just like you. It seems like you have found your long-lost sister Bora.

The girls agreed and made themselves comfortable on the sofa. I did the same and chuckled at Chocol unnies comment. I have heard before that I looked like a tiger and had been compared to one before and on top of that tigers were my favorite animal so basically it is all a win-win situation. We waited around for a while until the screen on the TV in our room changed and told us to make our way down to the stage. We made a quick cheer and cheered each other up before walking down to the stage where all of the other crews were possible.

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