Celebrations for the team

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Chocol: Bora, you should take a rest. There is no need to push yourself like that.

It has been a few weeks since we met Czaer in his studio, discussing our crew song and now it has been a week since we received it and since we began brainstorming and practicing for the choreography of the song. Today is one of the last few days where we were able to practice before we had to film the video. All of these few days, I felt like I was lacking behind the other girls so I couldn't allow myself to take a rest just yet.

Bora: I will soon unnie but I just have to perfect this part of the choreography or else I wouldn't feel comfortable with myself resting. I'm the only one who can't do it yet.

Chocol: No Bora. You need to rest right now. You have already worked so hard today. At this rate, you are going to injure yourself before anything else.

Bora: But unnie-

Chocol: No buts.

Chocol unnie walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me before dragging me to the side and making me sit down. I looked up at her to protest but she just stared back at me with a stern and determined look, making me shut my mouth. She gave me a bottle of water and wiped off the sweat I had accumulated on my face and on my body meanwhile I took a few sips of water.

Chocol: Look at you! Just by wiping your sweat, I can feel how tense you are! Now it is only a matter of time before you really get injured! That is why I told you to take a rest, we don't want you to get hurt before our filming or basically we don't want you to get hurt at all.

Baby Sleek: Chocol is right Bora. As much as we all want to win, we don't want it to be at risk of someone getting seriously injured. I have a bandage wrap as well as a cold spray for tense muscles. Wait a second and let me get it for you.

Bora: I'm fine, unnies. There is no need for that.

Halo: Bora, I'm sorry but we don't accept a no for an answer. We have all seen how hard you have worked and we all know that you need it. Also, it's better to prevent than repair.

I opened my mouth to reply but closed it again. They were all telling the truth after all, it's just my stubborn self that wouldn't listen to them. Baby Sleek took the stuff out of her back and with the help of Chocol, they applied it all over my body. I couldn't lie, it did feel nice to have it on as it helped my muscles to relax a bit.

Bora: Thank you unnies. It does feel better now compared to before. I'm sorry for not listening to you guys.

Haechi: You don't have to worry about it. We know that we are all passionate about this and want to do our best for the win.

Yeni: But what matters the most is our and your physical and mental health. It's fine if you want to take a break or if you want help. You can always tell and we will help you as best as possible.

Bora: Thank you... I really appreciate it.

We all took a break for a while and decided on our lunch before continuing to practice.

Halo: What do you guys think? Is there any part of the choreography that we should change? I think it's cool as it is right now.

Halo unnie looked at all of us for confirmation. We all looked at each other but neither of us had anything to change.

Bora: I don't have anything to change. I love our choreography! I think that it makes us cool!

All of the girls looked at me with a wide smile and a chuckle.

Halo: Alright, I think that is confirmation enough for us having done a great job. Now should we all go out and enjoy our lunch as a celebration of us coming together as a group and completing our first dance together?! Don't worry, this meal is on me.

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