Mega crew mission (part 2/2)

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Bora: Wow... this is amazing!

Chocol: Impressed much, aren't you?

Bora: How can you not be when there are so many amazing dancers here right now! I feel like a small ant compared to all of the great dancers here.

My jaw dropped a bit as we walked inside the practice room and saw all of the amazing and top-named dancers. I couldn't believe that I was going to dance with such amazing dancers. Together! As a collaboration! The only times I would ever see these guys would be if I was battling against them. Yeni unnie walked over to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulders with a chuckle.

Yeni: Don't be that amazed. You are a part of them too, you know. I know that just as you are honored to dance with them, I know that they will be just as honored to be dancing with you. You are a legend on the dance scene, so don't think of yourself any less.

We all walked to stand in front of the dancers and greeted them enthusiastically. Haechi unnie walked over to Drop and dragged him out of the crowd, making Baby Sleek unnie walk away with embarrassment. I couldn't help but chuckle at Haechi unnie for teasing Baby Sleek unnie. For the people who don't know, Drop and Baby Sleek unnie are married to each other but the funny thing is that usually, Baby Sleek unnie is a cool and charismatic person so you would never expect to see her lovely-dovey with someone.

Yeni: So the theme of our mega crew mission is thesis-antithesis-synthesis. Where the thesis is the status quo, antithesis is the conflict, and synthesis is the harmony we find through the conflict.

Halo: Since we put together a lot of the first song yesterday, we'll go through that, and learn the routing for the second song.

The dancers in front of us cheered enthusiastically and even though we hadn't started anything yet, I felt really grateful for them helping us. We all sat down at the side and watched while Baby Sleek unnie went through the choreography with the dancers since she was in charge of the first section.

Baby Sleek: Imagine you are crossing a rope and move your body weight.

We all watched as she went through every little detail of the choreography and before we knew it almost an hour had passed by. Haechi unnie walked over to Baby Sleek unnie to tell her about it but it seemed like she just brushed it off lightly.

Dancer: Did we move to the left?

Baby Sleek: What did we do?

Dancer: This is what we did yesterday.

Baby Sleek: Like that? I'd like to change that. I want to change that.

Baby Sleek: Let's start with our right foot. One. Two. The people in the back will do the same thing.

Bora: Are we just going to change the choreography like that? Aren't the dancers going to be confused?

Halo: They learned that yesterday, right?

We all nodded as Halo unine sighed. Originally the first section was only going to take 30 minutes to learn, an hour at max since all the details were going to be left for later but now the practice for the first section has already exceeded one hour. I looked at Halo unnie to see her looking serious. You could clearly see her getting angry with the situation but she tried to hold herself in. I admire her for that. Not being like me who just burst out on everyone and everything.

Chocol: We still aren't done practicing the first song?

Yeni: It isn't over.

Chocol: What are we going to do?

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