Crew song preparation

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Somehow I managed to wake up quicker than expected. I got in the shower and prepared all of the stuff that I needed for the day before standing in front of the mirror. I just kept staring at myself. I have done stuff similar to this many times but why am I still feeling so nervous? I shouldn't be nervous at all! I can do this... I can do this... I grabbed my bags and took one last deep breath before heading outside to grab a can back to the practice room where I had met the girls yesterday. I arrived and saw I was the last one to be there.

Jahoon: I'm so sorry that I'm late! It won't happen again!

I bowed to them. They just looked at each other with a smile. Mini walked over to me and wrapped an arm around my neck as we walked over to the rest.

Mini: You don't have to be sorry at all! You aren't even late, it's just us that are early.

Halo: Now that we are all here, should we go?

All of us nodded and began making our way to the building that we were supposed to be in. Today was the day when we were supposed to meet up with a producer and come up with ideas for our crew song. Our own crew song! How amazing is that! I feel like a celebrity since after the show had started and ended then people would begin to make covers and their own choreography to our song even though we weren't the ones singing. Anyway, it was just like a celebrity. As we walked, I saw the other girls talking with each other meanwhile...I kind of felt left out. I'm not the extrovert type who would go directly up to people and begin conversing with them. I would mostly be the one who would wait for other people to come over to me and strike up a conversation first. It seemed like Chocol unnie noticed my reaction and walked over to stand next to me with a small smile.

Chocol: So... how are you doing? Still, feel a bit nervous about everything?

Jahoon: To be honest... yes it still is. I don't know what to say or to do. I'm more of an introvert type of person so it takes time for me to open up to people and step out of my comfort zone to go and talk to other people first. It is not like I don't want to but I can't bring myself to do it because I worry a bit too much about what other people are feeling. It's funny, right? Considering the job that I have right now.

Chocol: It's completely understandable. Just because you have a job that requires you to talk to a lot of people and have everyone's eyes on you, does it mean that you can't be an introvert? Of course, it makes everything harder since you have to step over your boundaries to do it but everyone can do it. It just takes time and a lot of bravery and I admire you for that. I know that it is not something easy to do and I know it all from experience. Nonetheless, I will help you through all of it so feel free to come over to me for a talk or if you just want me to lend you my ear or basically just for anything. I will be there for you.

Jahoon: Thank you.

I smiled at her as she waved it off as if it was nothing but smiled back. I felt like I could breathe a bit easier around the girls since I had someone that I was a bit closer to at my side. if it was nothing. I glanced behind her and saw Yeni staring in our direction. It seemed like she was staring or more "glaring" at Chocol. It could just be my own imagination. I just shook it off and continued to chat happily with Chocol until we arrived. Talking with her felt like I had known her for a long time. We walked inside the building and over to the secretary who greeted us with a smile but a smile that was forced, like she didn't want to be here.

Baby Sleek: We have a meeting with Czaer today at 11 am

Secretary: Alright~ we will see about that. You can wait over there~

She pointed towards the waiting area with a sassy attitude, meanwhile it looked like she was chewing gum. We all walked over and sat down on the sofa in the waiting area while we stared at the secretary.

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