A failure after a failure

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1Million: That choreography is so easy! We can easily copy that.

I watched as the members of the 1Million team stood and tried to humiliate us by calling our choreography easy to copy. I felt someone wrapping their arms around my shoulders and saw that it was Haechi unnie. She leaned in to whisper to me.

Haechi: Don't listen to them. We all love your choreography.

Bora: I know and don't worry. It is just fun seeing them trying to ridicule us like this but I know they won't be able to copy our choreography in the same feeling or as a matter of fact something even near it.

Haechi unnie and I chuckled. I wasn't worried that 1million was going to be able to copy our choreography that easily but I was a bit worried about going to copy theirs since they did go all out on the sexy aspect in their choreography and as anyone knows hip-hop and sexy doesn't go hand in hand. We watched the rest of the teams exchange choreography before we went to the hallway right above the stage, which was our designated practice spot, and began practicing the choreography that 1Million had prepared for us.

Yeni: I never thought that the nightmare would return.

Yeni unnie grabbed her hair as we looked over the video. I chuckled at her but I was also a bit worried since among all of us, she was the one that had the most trouble with sexy dances. We began practicing and everything went well for a while even though we had a few bumps here and there but nothing major. It was only when we came to the split that everything began to go downhill.

Yeni: I can't do this! How are you guys doing that?! It is physically impossible!

Baby Sleek: Try and do it like Chocol.

Chocol: Right! Do the split like this and raise your leg, this way it will be much easier for you and look similar to the original.

We all looked at Yeni unnie as she tried but failed again, making us all laugh. We all practiced it for a while until she finally got it. I walked over to her and gave her an encouraging hug.

Bora: You did it unnie! You did the split! Now you can turn to doing sexy dances as well with hip-hop.

Yeni: I don't think I will ever do sexy dances again after this time. I can't believe how people can do it easily. I barely managed to do it but will have to practice more to not look like a fool on stage.

Bora: Well, if it eases your mind even 1Million have a hard time doing our choreography.

I turned my head to look at the members of 1Million who were practicing right beside us. I couldn't help but chuckle at them. How did the tables turn? I watched as their confidence from earlier slowly began to deteriorate as they couldn't do our moves correctly and those moves that they managed to do didn't have any hip-hop feeling in them. They were all looking like a mess right now.

Baby Sleek: They really have a hard time over there. They can barely manage to do our moves.

Halo: There are no feelings at all. Funny how confident they were earlier and look at them now.

We all watched them for a few seconds and laughed at their suffering. To think they thought we were the only ones who were going to suffer. It made us all work harder since we were all on the same page. We continued to practice hard for the rest of the day.

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