Mega crew mission (part 1/2)

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Staff: The reason that we called your guys is that we have to inform you that we will have a pool party tomorrow so please bring some swimwear that you can change into.

Haechi: A pool party?

Staff: Yes, we have arranged a pool party for the remaining crews to enjoy and relax before the next mission comes. Also as a small celebration for surviving into the next round so just bring some swimwear and some balls or float toys to enjoy at the pool and we will see you all tomorrow!

I ended the phone call and laid back on my bed, taking in the sweet free time to relax. To be honest, the last mission did take a big toll on my body, and by my calculations, the next mission is going to be the mega crew mission which would require even more energy than what we had to use before. I would have to rest as much as possible. I was about to fall asleep when suddenly my phone rang.

Bora: Hello?

Mom: Bora! Are you free today?

Bora: Yes, I'm free. What's up?

Mom: That is good! Come and join us at a celebration meal with your family. We are celebrating your cousin's pregnancy so you have to come.

Bora: I'm really happy and excited for her but-

Mom: No buts honey. You have to come and join us. I will send you the location. See you soon honey!

Before I could open my mouth to answer her, she had already hung up the phone. Guess I'm not going to have a relaxing sleeping day anymore.

Mini: Let's go! Party time!

Mini jumped and danced around while we were changing into our swimsuits. Mini jumped over to me and grabbed my arms to dance with her since I was the only one who had changed my clothes beside her. We all chuckled at her and just let her be. Today was a day to rest and to party with the rest of the crews that were still left in the competition. We all quickly changed and then joined the other crews at the pool.

Amy: Bora! Watch out!

I turned around just as Amy threw a ball at me. Luckily I managed to grab it before it hit me in the face.

Bora: Amy~ you little~

I threw the ball away and began hunting her down in the pool, making her squeal as she tried to run away from me. I managed to capture her and throw her down in the pool, making not only us but also the people around us laughing at us.

Dohee: Don't worry Amy! I will help you!

Dohee ran over to us and jumped on me trying to help Amy. We all wrestled around in the pool for a moment before Tatter, JJ, and Nob came to join us in our "fight". In the end, we decided to join forces to go and tease some of the other girls. Most of the day was filled with laughter and happiness as everyone relaxed from the stress and fatigue we had all experienced from the past mission. The staff have provided food and drinks for us to enjoy. The whole day felt like it was too good to be true! And you know what they say: When it is too good to be true then it really is! Just as we were all enjoying the day in the pool, the big screen changed and showed Rie Hata on the screen... wait!

Bora: Don't tell me that is the Rie Hata?! The Rie Hata?!

Haechi: Seems like it.

Rie Hata: Hello everyone! It is your girl Rie Hata~! The reason that I'm making this video is because I have gotten the great opportunity to be one of the judges for your next mission which is... the mega crew mission! Show me your best dance and I will see you guys soon! Bye!

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