Hanging to the end

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Bora: Here unnie. Take something to drink. You have been working too hard for a long time without eating or drinking. You should take a break before you collapse.

I walked over to Halo unnie and handed her the water bottle which she took gratefully. I watched her as she almost drank the whole bottle and gave it back to me.

Halo: I can't take a break right now. This might be our final chance to get a place in the finals. To be honest, I'm not that confident that we would get another elimination battle for us to win.

Bora: But that still doesn't mean that you should jeopardize your health like this! Don't you remember what happened to me the last time?

I looked at Halo unnie with a raised eyebrow as she stopped mid in a dance movement. After that day we showcased our dance for the kpop deathmatch mission, I fell ill and had to be taken to a hospital where I stayed for the night. I know how bad it feels to exhaust yourself like this and I don't want any of it to happen to any of the girls so if I can't prevent it, I will. Halo unnie stopped and nodded in agreement before making her way to the other girls and sitting down to rest with them. Mini unnie walked over to me and clapped her hands.

Mini: How in the world did you do that? I have been trying to get her to rest for hours now and she wouldn't even listen to me or any of the other girls. I have known her for a long time and tried every of her weaknesses but here you come, just recently joining our group a few months ago and bulldozing right through and making her listen to you. No offense though.

Bora: None was taken. And to be honest, we both know that Halo unnie has gotten a little stubborn lately since she is worried about this round, which is understandable. In every round, we have always been on the verge of being eliminated and were only saved by a strand of hair whenever we survived the elimination battle. But this time, two groups are going to be eliminated, and one without the chance of even going to the elimination battle, so I understand that she is worried but she still needs some rest. And to answer your question: I made her think about what happened to me both during and after the kpop deathmatch mission.

Mini: That is a low blow... but a good one. Well, what happened to you at that time wasn't anything good and neither do I or the other girls want it to happen to you again but if it is what is needed to make Halo rest, that will have to do.

Mini unnie chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we made our way to enjoy the rest of our break with the rest. Mini unnie was right. It was a low blow but it needed to come.

Yeni: I feel like a peacock wearing these things...

Yeni unnie whined while she looked at herself in the mirrors while wearing the gloves that we had created for our choreography to Bebe's team song. Baby Sleek unnie chuckled and shook her head while gluing more feathers to her glove.

Baby Sleek: I agree with you that we look ridiculous in those gloves but it will make our choreography look pretty and appeal to the audience.

Chocol: Right now we just have to throw our dignity away and deal with it. At least it is something that only we can pull off.

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