7 - Dream Job

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Sitting in the smoothie shop I felt even more nervous than the first time, if that was even possible. This time my stress wasn't just from fear of the unknown, it was also plain first-day jitters. I almost instantly regretted telling Mr. Ford I would start today, realizing I didn't have the right clothes yet, and I was most definitely sleep-deprived.

I had borrowed a pair of Ava's leggings, unearthed a semi-clean sports bra to wear under my hoodie, and subsequently made a mental note to invest in some more stylish activewear. If I was going to be a full-time dog walker and potentially a "friend" to a rich man like Mr. Ford, department store polyester wasn't going to cut it.

When I saw the black SUV pull up to the curb, I quickly jumped up from my table and was sure to bring my smoothie with me this time. The same large man in a black suit came around to open the door for me, but Mr. Ford was nowhere in sight. I slipped into the back of the car and cradled my smoothie in my lap as we made the quick drive across town.

Once we pulled in through the gate, my nerves increased significantly, I could feel my heartbeat in my ears. The driver once again came around to open my door, and I managed to look calm as I thanked him and headed for the door.

Even though it was barely sixty degrees outside, and it had been raining off and on all week, the front door was wide open. I approached with caution, for some reason I envisioned the house to be empty aside from Mr. Ford, sitting patiently in a wingback chair awaiting my arrival. Not surprisingly, this was not the case.

Just as many people, if not more, than I had seen working from the house before were clamoring around the dining room and living areas off the entryway. Even with the frigid fall air breezing in through the open door, the space felt warm and muggy, the indescribable aroma of hundreds of different designer perfumes assaulted my nostrils.

I had walked straight to Mr. Ford's study the last time I was here, and the suffocating presence of this room had been lost on me. Unfortunately, this time I was not being escorted by Mr. Ford and did not feel inclined to simply let myself into his study. I peered down the hall and felt my stomach tightened when I confirmed his door was firmly shut, I wondered if it would be silly to knock.

I stood frozen in the doorway, no doubt looking like the pathetic lost teenager that I was next to all of the working adults buzzing around me. I hadn't received any further instruction, Mr. Ford had simply told me that his driver would pick me up at the same location and I could let myself in.

"Miss Wynne?" A calm voice cut through the chaos and I turned to see a kind-eyed, maternal woman watching me from the foot of the stairs.

"Yes." I tried to project my voice over the noise, moving towards her, feeling relieved.

"Hello, I'm Charlene," She leaned towards me and offered a smile, "Follow me, it's very loud out here."

I nodded in response and tailed her down the hallway, past the study, towards the back of the immense house. I did my best not to stare as we walked past numerous pieces of art, almost every towering wall was covered in a painting or a photo. I had never felt so small, or so out of my element, there wasn't a single thing on my walls back at the dorm - not even a calendar.

"So, have you met Margaret and Beatrice?" She asked over her shoulder as we made our way into what appeared to be a large entertaining space.

"Uh.. who?"

"The dogs, sweetheart." She clarified, leading me further still into the kitchen.

"Oh!" I was immediately embarrassed, I didn't even know the names of the dogs I was going to be caring for, I had never bothered to ask, "No, I haven't met them yet."

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