30 - Goddess

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Mr. Ford's eyes focused intently on my chest, and I looked down at Ava's skimpy dress clinging to my otherwise naked body. Instantly I understood why our conversation had gone from 0 to 100 in as many seconds.

I let one of the straps slip down my shoulder, the thin black fabric of the dress sliding over my skin, but catching on my nipple. Mr. Ford let out a deep groan as I gave the neckline of the dress a tug, exposing both my breasts with a dramatic bounce.

"Are you wearing nothing under that dress?" He all but growled, fisting his fully rigid cock in his hand.

I responded by simply meeting his eyes through my lashes, causing him to inhale deeply and close his eyes. He was silent for a moment, I watched his cock twitch in his grasp. When he opened his eyes again they were dark, hooded, dripping with desire.

"Stand up." He ordered.

I glanced up at the low roof of the car, just a foot above my head, then shot him a skeptical look. He flexed his jaw, as if struggling to remain calm - though he looked the furthest from calm I'd ever seen him.

"I said stand," He repeated, "Here, in front of me."

I opened my mouth to protest, but he cut me off before I could even speak a word. "I warned you what would happen if you didn't leave. Now do as I say, I am losing my patience."

I slowly pushed off the seat and onto my feet, crouching down and struggling to keep my balance in the moving vehicle as I stepped in front of him. I stared at his stoic expression as my breasts hung down near his face.

"Turn around." He said next.


"Veronica." He warned, unhanding his erection and spreading his arms over the tops of the back seat, like he was settling in for a show.

I bit my tongue and turned in a slow circle, until I was facing the front of the car. In my crouched position I could feel the hem of Ava's dress brushing the very bottom of my ass cheeks.

"Bend over."

I hesitated, but didn't bother arguing anymore. I straightened my legs and bent at the waist. Feeling a surge of arousal as my dress slipped higher, exposing my entire ass to Mr. Ford.

"Sweet... fuck..." I heard him groan from behind me.

I flinched with anticipation as I felt his hands wrap around my thighs. He gripped me tightly and pulled me toward him, I took an uneasy step backward and felt my calves bump against the leather seat between his legs, his slacks brushing against my tingling skin from the sides.

His hands trailed up the back of my legs until he was cupping my ass cheeks, breathing heavily as he spread them with his thumbs. I let out a shuddering breath as his thumbs then slipped down to my labia.

"You're already so wet..." He noted, his tone was almost scolding. His fingers dug firmly into my skin as he leaned closer and, to my horror, inhaled deeply.

"Mm..." He murmured, "You smell as good as I remember."

"Mr. Ford- Oh!" I gasped as he buried his face in me, his tongue diving fervently into my vagina. I felt my knees buckle as he explored me, his hands moving up to my hips, pulling me closer.

His tongue seemed to work deeper and deeper inside of me, twisting and thrusting until I was clutching my calves just to remain upright. Waves of pleasure coursing through my body.

Just when I felt I might collapse, he released me. Pulling back with a self-satisfied, "Mmm."

It was then I realized I was panting, my legs quivering as I struggled to catch my breath. I felt his eyes on me as I tried to compose myself, but he didn't wait long before giving his next order.

"Now come here."

I turned around slowly, my legs wobbling like I was a baby fawn. His eyes focused on my breasts again, watching in tense silence until I was facing him, my knees just an inch away from the seat.

"I said," He reached forward, hooking his hands behind my knees and pulling them up one at a time onto the seat on either side of him, "Come here."

Now I was straddling him, his cock resting against my abdomen as he leaned forward to take my nipple into his mouth. I stifled a moan as he sucked at the sensitive skin, lightly dragging his teeth over the hardened bud.

In response, my body moved of its own accord, grinding against his throbbing erection. My folds spread open around him, until my clit was rubbing against his length with every thrust of my hips.

His hands were on my ass again, egging me on, moving my hips faster, harder as I pleasured myself against him. I let loose a breathless moan, tangling my fingers into his salt and pepper hair as I picked up speed.

"That's it," he praised, his admiring gaze taking me in, "Fuck... yes. You're a goddess."

He turned his attention to my other breast, taking it into his mouth hungrily. I threw my head back, tightening my fingers in his hair as I became all but overwhelmed with pleasure. I could feel an orgasm building in my abdomen, and every exhale turned into a moan, increasing in volume as I inched closer and closer to climax.

"Oh!" I all but screamed as I felt it crashing over me, "Oh God!"

The pleasure wracked through me as I thrust myself desperately against Mr. Ford. My legs turned to jelly and my eyes rolled back in my head as my entire body shook.

Mr. Ford waited in thoughtful silence for the orgasm to subside, releasing my breast from his lips but keeping a firm hold on my ass. At last it was over, and I slumped down into his lap, my head resting against his collarbone as I gasped for breath.

He brushed my hair off my shoulder and planted a soft kiss on my neck before whispering in my ear.

"Now it's my turn."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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