14 - Overtime

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I took my time relaxing in Mr. Ford's spacious tub. My dorm had a large, shared bathroom with tiny shower stalls. Not that I would use a communal bathtub if they had one, but it had been weeks since I was able to relax and soak surrounded by warm, sweet smelling bubbles. I wondered how long I could stay in here before he'd come back to check on me and tell me I needed to leave. I had already lost track of the time, but it had been long enough that my fingers were starting to prune.

I knew the allure of a nice private bath wasn't the only thing keeping me in here, as soon as he'd left me alone my mind had started to conspire. What happened next? Should I pretend nothing happened and politely ask him to call me a car? Should I stride out of the bathroom, fully nude and ask him to join me in the tub? Should I tell him it was the best sex of my life, not that there were many experiences to compare it to?

What would my mother say? Oh my God, my mother. She would kill me if she knew. I had officially become my parents worst nightmare over the course of one afternoon. Without even trying I had gone from a semi-wholesome Christian woman to a full-fledged delinquent whore. If they ever found out they would disown me, or at the very least insist I move back home and attend Sunday school with them indefinitely. 

Not like I could tell them anyways, I had signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement, I was legally bound to keep the entire experience a secret. What had seemed so inconvenient at first was now a relief, I couldn't tell anyone even if I wanted to. That meant it was out of my hands, moral dilemma or not, I couldn't confess anything to anyone.

The water had started to chill, the bubbles had all but deflated and now I was simply soaking in lukewarm sudsy water. I felt around the bottom of the tub with my foot, and propped the drain up with my toe. I lingered a moment longer, enjoying what was left of my luxury, until I started to shiver and was forced to stand and scour the room for a towel.

A white bathrobe hung from a hook on the door, it looked like it was definitely too large for me, but with my cloths still out in Mr. Ford's study, I decided it was my best option. I hurried over, leaving a trail of footprint puddles in my wake, and wrapped myself up in the soft cotton robe. It was definitely made for a grown man, but once I tied it you could hardly tell. Aside from my hands drowning in the sleeves and the hem all but touching the ground.

I hesitated, my hand on the doorknob, and listened to make sure no one had entered the study just in time to see me emerge from his bathroom. When I didn't hear any voices I pulled open the door, making sure to be as quiet and slow as possible. I poked my head in and saw Mr. Ford sitting at his desk, watching me with a smile.

"Suddenly timid, are we?"

"I was just making sure you were alone," I slipped into the room and pulled the bathroom door closed behind me, "I didn't want to walk in on anything."

"The door is still locked," His gaze locked on the robe, "That suits you. Looks much better on you than it does on me."

"I'm sure I'd agree, but I think I'd still prefer my own clothes." I scanned the floor for my discarded activewear.

"I've got them right here."

He indicated to a pile of folded clothes, placed on the corner of the desk. From the familiar look on his face, I knew he was up to something. I approached, my eyes never leaving his as I reached out to take my clothes. He placed his hand over mine, taking hold of it and pulling me towards him.

"I'd like to help you, if that's alright." The corners of his mouth turned up, hinting at sensual mischief.

"Help me.. get dressed?" I had never in my life had someone ask if they could dress me. Well, not since I was a toddler.

"Yes." His hands trailed down to the sash around my waist, and began to loosen the knot, "Do you object?"

Even through the thick material of the robe, his touch excited me. I felt my breath catch in my throat as he pulled the sash from my waist and let it drop to the floor, his gaze still trained on my expression as the robe hung open in front of him.


I dropped my shoulders, letting the robe fall to the floor and suddenly I was stark naked in the middle of his study for the second time today. His eyes slowly drifted down, taking in the curves of my body. His mouth closed, his expression took on a serious edge, looking stern and focused as he stood and reached behind me to grab my clothes.

He took my panties first, holding them in his hand as he met my eyes once again, and got to his knees. I remained still, focusing on my breathing as he brought them up to his nose and inhaled. I never would have thought that someone smelling my panties would turn me on, in fact I expected to feel a little disgusted, but just like that I was aroused again.

Without a word he lowered my panties to the floor, holding them for me to step inside. I obliged, the step forward bringing me that much closer to him, his head level with my growing arousal. He slid the soft fabric up over my calves, halfway up my thighs, then he stopped.

"Turn around." He looked up at me, his expression still stoic, "Please."

I obliged, taking slow, deliberate steps to turn my body towards the door. I came to a stop when he placed his hands on my thighs, holding me still. His palms slid up to my hips, his thumbs pressing into my bare ass cheeks. I shuddered at the feeling of his breath against my skin, he was so close I thought he might taste me.

Instead his hands moved back down to where my panties waited, clinging to my thighs, and he tugged them upward. Once they were all the way up he held me still another moment, staying silent as he looked at me, before I heard him getting to his feet.

Next he grabbed my bra, his hand reaching out from behind me as he stepped up closer, his body almost pressed up against mine. His hand slipped over my shoulder, brushing my hair away from my neck as he leaned close and whispered.

"Raise your arms above your head."

I did as I was told, reaching up as he took a step back. He slipped the sports bra over my outstretched hands, guiding it down my arms and over my head. He stopped just before pulling it over my exposed breasts, pausing to pull my hair free, moving it to the side once again and leaning his head over my shoulder as he stepped closer.

He was fully pressed against me now, his arms snaked around my waist and up to cup my breasts in his hands. He turned to place a delicate kiss on my neck as he massaged me, his thumbs brushing over my nipples. I arched my back, pushing into him, a soft moan escaping my lips as he moved his hips up against my ass.

He released me and finally finished pulling my bra down, taking a step back and leaving me both hot and cold. I let my arms fall to my sides and turned to look at him, his stern expression was gone, replaced with the coy grin I'd started to dislike.

"Let's not get too excited. I wouldn't want to overwork you."

"I don't like to be teased." I reminded him, my face flushed and my voice quivering.

"I didn't mean to be a tease," The spark in his eyes said otherwise, "I didn't know you were so easily aroused, dear."

He really was competitive. This was his way of getting back at me for winning earlier, forcing me to admit I wasn't immune to his obvious appeal.

"Like hell you didn't," I reached over to grab my pants off the desk, jamming my legs into them as I scowled at him, "You knew exactly what you were doing."

"Veronica," The smirk was gone, "I didn't mean to-"

"Save it." I hopped to maintain my balance as I hurried to slip on my socks, "You won, it's fine."

"Veronica, please." His tone resembled the one my father used when I was being dramatic, which only made everything feel that much worse.

"No, really." I slipped on my shoes and snatched Ava's sweatshirt off the desk, "It's fine. I've just got somewhere to be."

He looked unconvinced, letting out a sigh of defeat as I stomped over to the door, fumbling briefly with the lock before I swung the door wide and stormed out.

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