26 - Disheveled

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Eli pressed his lips back to mine, leaning over me until I was lying back on the bed, then moving his mouth to my neck. Even with him on top of me, his body pressed up against mine I felt totally in control. He went slow, his hands cautious as they roamed over my body, the feeling of his lips on my skin was like fire.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, clinging to him, not caring if my desperation was showing. His fingers slipped under my shirt, his touch was gentle but I could tell from the way his hands were quivering that he was just as crazed as I was. I tightened my grip around him, pulling his body firm against mine and moving against his growing erection. Even through his jeans and my borrowed flannel pants the movement was pleasuring, as he let out a quick breath it was clear he was enjoying it as much as I was.

I slipped a hand between us, feeling down to the button of his jeans and prying it free as his lips moved back to mine. I struggled to go slow as I moved my fingers down under his waistline, feeling his muscles tense as I brushed up against his firm arousal. His hand moved higher up under my shirt, and running his fingers over my exposed breast.

A forceful knock on the bedroom door froze us both instantly, our lips still touching as we held our breath. Indistinguishable drunken slurs were shouted from the other side, followed by the rattling of the doorknob and a loud thump as our attempted intruder slumped to the floor. Eli and I remained still and silent for just another moment before he was standing and redoing the button on his pants.

"He can't get in, it's locked." I assured him, propping myself up on my elbows.

"I know, it's not that. We can't do this." His hair was standing up at odd angles and his eyes were still wide and fiery.

"I'm not that drunk, Eli." I teased, "I promise not to think less of you for 'taking advantage of me in my fragile state'."

"It's not that either," He ran a shaking hand through his hair, "Well, it is a little. I don't want it to be like this. You deserve better than a spontaneous drunk fuck in some dude's guest room with people trying to kick down the door."

"I appreciate that you think so," I sat up, meeting his eyes, "But I feel totally sober, the door is locked, these sheets are nicer than anything I own and there's no way I'm letting you leave this room without finishing what we started."

"I'm serious, Veronica." He leaned down so his face was level with mine, just centimeters away, "You deserve more. You deserve romance, you deserve to be wooed."

"Wooed?" I raised a brow, "You want to woo me first?"

"Yes." His tone was firm, decided, "I'm going to take you out. We're going to get to know each other socially first, then, if you still want to we can get to know each other physically."

"So.. you've made up your mind? You're not going to have sex with me? I thought you wanted me."

"I do," He smiled, brushing my hair out of my face, his eyes trailing down my body, "God I do...But I want all of you."

He leaned down to peck a quick kiss on my lips before heading for the door, disappearing into the hallway after one last lingering glance in my direction. I remained on the edge of the bed, my heart still pounding in my chest, my cheeks burning, until the bedroom door opened once more.

I perked up, expecting Eli to come running back into the room with regret in his eyes and sex on his mind, but instead the knuckle-obsessed couple from the landing stumbled in, making out fervently. They continued kissing in the open doorway, it took them a whole thirty seconds to notice me, frozen in shock still sitting on the bed. At which point they stepped aside and I promptly stood and rushed out of the room.

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