27 - Friendship

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I kept my eyes on the floor as we turned the corner and Mr. Ford's house came into view, I focused on a discarded cough drop wrapper and pretended not to feel Ava's gaze on me as we slowed to a stop in front of his gate. The Uber driver cleared his throat as Ava and I sat in silence, making sure I knew that this was in fact the address I had given him.

"Holy shit, dude." Ava whispered, reaching across the back seat to smack my arm, "This is where you work? I totally recognize this place, this is where that one guy lives. That old famous actor guy, that's who you work for?"

"I can't talk about it." I muttered, opening the door and climbing out before she could press the issue, "You can't tell anyone, either. You weren't here." I met her wide eyes just before closing the door and approaching the gate intercom.

"Hey, Veronica." Mitchell, the security guy, greeted me through the speaker as the gate began to swing open, "Nice dress."

"Thanks." I grumbled, slipping through as soon as the gap was wide enough and rushing up the driveway until I couldn't feel Ava's eyes on my back anymore. I was relieved to see that Eli was not working out in the front today, hopeful that just maybe I could avoid running into him in my current state.

As I entered the foyer the stares resumed, I could swear that every pair of eyes was on me as I rushed towards the backyard. I closed my eyes as I hurried past Mr. Fords office, reasoning that if I didn't pause or glance inside that he wouldn't notice me.

"Veronica!" His strong voice echoed through the hallway and I froze just outside of his view, debating whether to turn back or just keep walking and pretend I hadn't heard him, "I know you heard me."

Well shit.

I took a step back and leaned my head into his office, hiding my outfit behind the doorway. He was standing in the middle of the room, finishing a conversation with one of his male employees, who exited the room in a hurry, his eyes lingering on me as he passed.

"What are you doing here?" Mr. Ford asked, looking inquisitive.

"I know I'm late, I'm sorry."

"I tried to call but it went straight to voicemail. My ex-wife has the dogs all week, I forgot to let you know when I saw you last, I was a little preoccupied... Did you not get my message?"

I felt the heat rise in my cheeks, here I was dressed like an idiot and I didn't even need to come. Today was not my day.

"No, my phone broke." I explained, still standing out of his view, "I'll just go, then."

"Why are you standing like that?" He stepped closer, a smile creeping onto his lips.

"Uh.. because I look stupid." I admitted, glancing down the hall to make sure no one was still watching me.

"How so?"

I hesitated, but stepped out from behind the wall and into his office, scowling at him as he laughed. He didn't say anything at first, he simply walked over and reached past me to swing the door shut, pacing in a circle around me, his eyes combing over my body.

"I know we didn't leave things in the best place last week, but if this is your way of apologizing.. I accept."

"My way of apologizing?" I whipped my head around to meet his wandering eyes, "What would I be apologizing for?"

"Denting my wall, rejecting my gift, storming out of here." He listed, his eyes going dark, "I'm not sure if you forgot that you are my employee, you're lucky I didn't fire you."

"You can't fire me for turning down a bribe for sexual favors." I scoffed, "And I stormed out because you were being coy with me, which I specifically told you I hated. I'm not obligated to let you toy with me."

"As I said, our relationship will be whatever you choose. Employer/employee, or a less.. professional relationship. But this," He reached out to place a hand on my shoulder, his thumb against my neck, "is how I like my less than professional relationships."

There was a threatening hint to his tone, the hungry way his eyes stayed on mine sent a chill down my spine. The way he spoke to me made me want to slap him across the face, but his touch still made my skin tingle.

"Maybe I changed my mind." I told him, taking a step back, my shoulder-blades touching the door.

"That's your right." He stepped closer, his long stride closing the distance between us, "But I would be very sad to lose your.. friendship."

His hand cupped my breast through the thin silk of Ava's dress, his thumb running over my nipple until it was visibly hard. I pursed my lips and concentrated on my breathing, the way my heart was racing in my chest there was no way he couldn't feel it. I clung to the thoughts of Eli, and the way he made me feel.

"Sorry to hear that," I grabbed the doorknob, "But your brand of friendship just isn't for me."

"That's not how it seemed when I was fucking you raw on my desk the other day." His words made my breath catch in my throat, the deep growl of his tone warming me between my thighs against my will.

"Well I won't lie and say I didn't enjoy that part of it.. but the gifts, and the condescending way that you boss me around and talk to me like-"

"Okay, no more gifts," He interrupted, his hand sliding up to my jaw, "And no more talking."

He leaned down and slammed his mouth against mine, his body pinning me up against the door. I could feel his growing erection as he moved his hips up against mine, his free hand wrapping around my waist and sliding down to grab a rough handful of my ass.

A pleasureful moan escaped my throat, as he ground himself against me. His hand brushed up between my thighs, I wasn't wearing any underwear, and his fingertips trailed just inches below my exposed heat.

I almost wanted it, my thighs aching to spread apart and let him touch me. But suddenly the feeling of Eli's gentle lips on mine flashed through my memory and I turned my head away, breaking the kiss.

"No, I'm finished." I pushed him away, "I mean it, I'm done. With our 'friendship', and with working for you."

"Veronica." He called as I yanked open the door and hurried out into the hall, "Veronica, damn it let's talk about this! Veronica!"

I didn't look back, ignoring the stares in the foyer and bursting out the front doors. I was halfway down the front steps when I heard a different voice.

"Veronica?" Eli was trimming the hedges in front of the house, his white tee shirt clinging to his lean, muscular chest in a way that stopped me in my tracks.

"Eli!" I blushed as his eyes traveled down my body, taking careful notice of the dress I was wearing. His jaw flexing as his eyes returned to mine.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, dropping his shears and taking a step toward me, "I thought the dogs were-"

"Yeah I didn't get the message." I shrugged, "Water-logged phone and all."

"Right." He nodded, realization flashing across his face, "So you came here to walk the dogs... dressed like that?"

"Someone stole my clothes." I admitted, inching further down the steps, eager to put distance between myself and Mr. Ford.

"Oh, that sucks." He frowned, "Well, if you're leaving I'd be happy to give you a ride home again?"

"I don't know," I took another step down the stairs, my cheeks flaring red at the memory of last night, "I can just call an Uber or something."

"Come on," he reached into his pocket and retrieved his keys, "I promise to be on my best behavior. As hard as that might be with how you look in that dress..."

His eyes drifted down my body one last time, his fists clenching at his sides as his gaze turned lustful. I felt my knees weaken, too easily lured by the idea of him finding me irresistible.


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