17 - Perverse

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I hated myself sometimes. I really was lacking in the self control department, all it took was the slightest bit of temptation and I was throwing all my boundaries out the window.

I could've easily told Eli that I wasn't interested in dancing. Well, maybe not easily... Short making up something about having a boyfriend, the only way to explain would have been to tell him the truth, and that was too vulnerable. Divulging that not only was I planning to leave Maine, but that dancing with him had the potential lead to feelings which could make it hard to leave was too much to offload onto this gentle, handsome stranger.

So we danced.

The band started on their next 80's cover and the two of us were swallowed up by the crowed as we moved. We started by facing each other, smiling politely as we both swayed our torsos with lackluster feeling. But as the minutes passed, the familiar songs and catchy beats were impossible to tune out, we both got caught up with the vibes.

Before I knew it, the space between us had become obsolete, his body was pressed up against mine as we bumped and swayed. His hands found their way to my hips, not to control my movements, just to experience them. I always got a little out of hand when I danced, it was harder for me to care what people thought, or worry about how I might come off when the music was moving me.

I closed my eyes and leaned into Eli as he moved his hips in sync with mine, I reached my arms up over my head and let my hands caress his hair. In an instant my mind was back with Mr. Ford, standing naked in his office, my arms above my head as he touched me. The tight, twisted feeling in my stomach was back and I realized it wasn't anger. It was frustration, sexual frustration.

I had thought of him all day, in a constant state of arousal, until finally I'd been able to have him. He had taken me, hard, on his desk and gotten his release, but I'd never gotten mine. I was used to it, it hadn't even occurred to me at the time to ask him to help me finish, but when he teased me and got me going again with no intention of following through... That's when I'd lost it.

I had this pent up sexual tension, this all-consuming need to be completely, blissfully satisfied. Now here with Eli, it was only getting worse. I could feel the heat of his body on my back, the firm but gentle weight of his hands on my hips, his chest against my shoulders... I'd never been so consumed by my own arousal. I was about to lose my mind.

I turned around to face him, my hands shaking as I lowered them to my sides. He looked down at me, his eyes piercing even in the darkness, waiting for me to make a move. He was easier to read than Mr. Ford, he wore his emotions on his sleeve the way I was used to. He wanted me, as much as I wanted him.


I turned away and dashed into the crowd, putting as much distance between myself and the thick sensual heat radiating from Eli as I could. I spotted the ladies room in the back of the club and quickly pushed my way over to it, elbowing more than a few innocent bystanders in the process.

Inside, there were at least ten women huddled around the sinks as they fixed their makeup and dried their boob sweat with paper towels, shouting gossip over the music still booming from the other side of the swinging door. I thanked the Lord under my breath as I noticed most of the stalls were vacant, and I quickly slipped into one and locked the door behind me.

I was not going to go there with Eli. Self-indulgence be damned, I had to draw the line somewhere. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy, and God was he beautiful, but the last thing I needed right now was an infatuation. Things were complicated enough as they were, I had already fucked my boss today, no way was I about to go there with his gardener as well.

I stood with my back leaned up against the stall door, panting from my rushed escape, sweat cooling on my neck. It was hard to think straight when I was this flustered by... sex. My mind couldn't go two seconds without picturing Eli naked, or remembering the way Mr. Ford had inhaled the scent of me from my panties.

I ran my hand through my hair, pushing the sweaty mess away from my face before letting my hand trail down my neck. I traced the shape of my nipple through my teeshirt, the stimulation making it harden under my fingertip. I ventured further, undoing the button of my jeans as I slipped my hand into my pants.

What was I doing? I was in a public restroom for Christsake.

It was too late to back out, I was beyond the point of being reasonable, I was a woman unhinged. I let out a soft moan as I found my clit, the sound was completely drowned out by the blaring music and overlapping shouts of the women standing just five feet away from me. Somehow the insanity of my current situation only made it that much more pleasurable, public masterbation was definitely a first for me, and I was high on the thrill.

I braced myself against the stall with my free hand as I began rubbing myself faster, letting my perverse thoughts run rampant. Images of Mr. Ford's impressive errection flashed through my head, followed by the memory of how it felt inside of me. I imagined Eli inside of me instead, before I envisioned what those ocean eyes would like gazing up at me from between my thighs.

I planted one leg on the toilet seat in front of me, bracing myself as I inched closer and closer toward a climax. An especially dirty image involving both Mr. Ford and Eli flashing across my mind just before a loud pound on my stall door brought my solo session to an abrupt end.

"Roni are you in there?" Ava's assertive shout made me freeze up, my hand remaining still in my pants as I replied.

"Uh.. Yeah?"

"I saw you run in here. Are you honestly hiding right now?"

"No." I lied, pulling my hand free and fumbling with the button on my jeans.


It was hard to hear her, I couldn't tell if her tone was light, or harsh and accusatory. Rather than wait for her to climb under the door, which I could totally see her doing, I took a deep breath and tried to look like I wasn't just seconds away from an orgasm as I swung open the stall door. She was standing with her hands on her hips, one eyebrow up.

Definitely harsh and accusatory.

"I wasn't hiding, I had to pee." I shouted, shoving through the cluster of women to get to a sink and wash the smell of me off my fingers. 

"You and Eli looked like you were hitting it off." She commented, fighting her way up to the sink next to me, "Still think he's not your type?"

"He's not."

"How could he not be your type? He's gorgeous."

I didn't answer, moving to the paper towel dispenser as she followed behind. My lack of a straight answer was an answer in and of itself, and she gave me slight nudge as we made our way out of the bathroom.

"Why won't you just admit you want him?" She yelled directly into my ear

"Because I don't." I shouted back, "And even if I did it wouldn't matter, because -"

"What?" She interrupted, shaking her head. It was pointless trying to have this discussion now, this whole day had been one bad idea after another and I wanted to just call it a night.

"You owe me a drink!" I pointed at the bar and she rolled her eyes.

"Fine! I'll be right back, don't move!"

I nodded, shooting her a thumbs up and she headed towards the bar, checking over her shoulder to make sure I hadn't disappeared. As soon as she was swallowed up into the crowd I turned and headed for the door. I was out of here, she could yell at me later.

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