28 - Sunshine

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The thundering purr of Eli's motorcycle between my thighs had a way of sending shivers up my back, warming me to my core. Even worse, I was pressed up against him, Ava's tight dress riding up my thighs and all but exposing my bare nether regions to the entire community as we zipped past.

Eli had insisted I not only wear his helmet but his jacket as well. Providing me with at least the illusion of protection. The leather was soft and worn against my skin, and I was completely surrounded by the smell of him.

Subtle, clean, crisp. He smelled like summer rain and clean sheets. I resisted the urge to bury my face in his neck and inhale deeply as we wove through the city streets toward the college campus.

As we slowed to a stop at a red light, Eli turned his head to glance at me over his shoulder. I was thankful for the helmet hiding my face, since my cheeks were almost definitely beet red.

"Do you mind if we make a quick stop?" He called out, his eyes darting between me and the red light.

"Uh... no, that's fine." I shrugged, not wanting to be an inconvenience when he was doing me a favor.

"What was that?" He shouted back over the roar of his engine, leaning back into me, pressing me further up against him and making my breath hitch.

"Fine by me!" I yelped.

The light turned green and he turned his focus back to the road. I squeezed my thighs tight around him as we started up a hill and I thought I might fly off the back of the bike.

"You okay back there?!" He shouted, barely audible over the air whipping around the helmet.

"Yes!" I lied, still not loosening my grip.

We continued up the street a ways, past the college campus and into the heart of town where most of the shops and restaurants were. He slowed to a stop in front of a small blue building called "Louann's" and walked the bike into a small street parking space.

As he dismounted the bike, I pulled my legs closed and tried to shimmy the dress back down my thighs. He reached up to remove the helmet, and I did my best to tame the static charged mess of hair he uncovered.

"You coming?" He asked, offering me his hand to help me down off the motorcycle.

"Coming where?" I asked, keeping my hands in my lap with a death grip on the hem of Ava's dress.

"I thought we could get something to eat," he shrugged, "Since I'm guessing you haven't eaten much today, and you had a bit of a rough night."

"Oh." I squirmed, "You don't have to do that-"

"I want to." He insisted, still offering his hand, "If you don't want to I can just take you home. But I would like nothing more than to buy you breakfast... or maybe lunch by now."

"Okay." I nodded, my stomach aching at the thought of going back to my dorm and eating another stale pop tart.

"Great. Come on then."

I hesitated, glancing down at my lap, my clenched thighs were the only thing standing between me and public indecency. His eyes followed my gaze and he chuckled softly under his breath.

"Need some assistance?"

I kept my eyes averted as I nodded in response. He reached out, one arm sliding gently behind the small of my back, the other slipping under my knees as he lifted me from the seat in one swift motion.

He cradled me in his arms for a moment as my hand flew up to brace myself against his chest. All the air left my lungs and my soul almost left my body as I dared to glance up into his eyes.

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