9 - Silk

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By the time I left it had started drizzling again. As I sat in the back of the town car listening to the raindrops on the window, I felt oddly at ease. I thought back to the day before, I'd been heading home on this same route, feeling sick from my interaction with Mr. Ford. Now, the very next day, here I was feeling just the opposite.

Yesterday, the thought of his hands on me had made my skin crawl, but now it made my breath quicken. In fact, I couldn't seem to stop thinking of his hands on me, it was the only thought I could focus on.

The entire time I'd been massaging his neck, a small, repressed part of me had been hoping he would make a move. I realized only now that the entire reason I had even considered having any kind of relationship with him other than a professional one, was his promise that it would all be up to me. How, then, could I justify the thoughts I'd been having earlier, wishing he would've taken charge?

There was no getting around it, if I wanted something I had to ask, or I had to just go for it. I'd never been much of a shy person, I kept to myself as a choice. Even as reclusive as I could be, I had never been afraid to ask someone out or flirt with them. But this was a different situation. Mr. Ford wasn't some horny teenager, he was a man, and he was in a league all his own.

As the car came to a stop in front of the smoothie shop, I realized I had completely forgotten about my smoothie from that morning. I had just left it in the car when we'd arrived at Mr. Ford's. Before the driver came to my door, I glanced around, hoping to see it in a cup holder so I could grab it and throw it out.

"Did I leave my smoothie in here?" I asked, my tone already apologetic, as the driver opened my door.

"Yes ma'am, I hope you don't mind I threw it out." The driver was a large man, tall and muscular, but his voice was kind and surprisingly southern.

"Oh, I don't mind. I'm sorry, I totally forgot about it."

"No apology necessary, Miss Wynne." He offered his hand and helped me out of the car, "It's my job."

"You can call me Veronica." I told him, feeling ashamed for not introducing myself to him sooner.

"Then you can call me Tony. Are you sure you don't want me to drop you home, Miss Veronica?"

I honestly considered his offer, knowing I was still about a ten-minute walk to my dorm, but I ultimately decided against it. I didn't want anyone to see me get out of such an expensive car. As Mr. Ford said, people might talk.

"Not this time Tony, thank you."

He nodded, gave me a warm smile, and headed back to the driver's side. I hurried down the sidewalk towards my building, trying to avoid getting soaked again. The rain was much lighter than it had been the day before, so I was able to make it up to my door with only slightly damp hair. As I rushed inside, Ava looked up at me from her desk.

"Hey... are those mine?" She asked, motioning to the leggings.

"Yeah sorry," I winced, slipping them off, "I didn't have any."

"No stress, you're welcome to borrow them." She shrugged, turning back to her homework, "You go on a run?"

I hesitated, unsure if I should just say yes or if I should try to tell her about my job without giving away too much. I was a notoriously bad liar, but either way I was going to have to lie a little. So I picked the most truthful of the two.

"Actually, I found a job on that app."

"Oh, yeah?" She turned around in her chair to give me her full attention, "How'd it go?"

"Pretty good." I could feel my heart racing, and I hadn't even lied yet, "You were right, it's actually really easy."

"What's the job?"

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