8 - Cologne

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Five hours had flashed by in an instant, taking care of dogs didn't really feel like work to me. It was like babysitting energetic toddlers but without meaningless conversations about favorite colors and cartoons. Margaret and Beatrice were endlessly playful, and shockingly well-behaved. When I finally felt comfortable enough to take them on a walk around the neighborhood, they didn't pull on their leashes or bark, they were content to just jog alongside me.

Aside from the ease of the job, I quickly realized another benefit would be the effect it had on me physically. I wasn't out of shape, I went on the occasional jog and had been on my feet often at my retail job, but I was definitely not on the dogs' level yet. After a few hours of playing ball, and tug-of-war followed by a two mile walk down the street, I was exhausted and sore.

When we arrived back at the gate, security opened up for me without missing a beat, I had introduced myself on the way out and already I felt more comfortable coming and going. As soon as we were inside the property I let the dogs off their leashes but they remained at my side as we made our way around the back of the house.

I wasn't sure if they were allowed inside the house, but after searching for their food and water bowls for much longer than I would like to admit, I found them inside the kitchen next to two very plushy dog beds. Both bowls were full, so I simply let them in through the double doors and they went straight to eating.

When I realized I had been there for the full amount of time I'd agreed to, the anxiety set back in. Was I supposed to let them stay inside? Was I supposed to let someone know I was leaving? How did I get the car to come and take me home? I glanced down the hall, towards the front door, hoping to see Mr. Ford mingling with all of the people there, but his study door was still shut and I couldn't see him in the crowd.

I remembered Charlene had instructed me to ask Elliot if I had any questions, but with all the time I had spent in the back with the dogs, I hadn't seen anyone. I assumed Elliot was the gardener, maybe he had already left for the day? It was just after 3 PM, it was entirely possible he had already finished his shift. Before I could get too stressed, I looked over at the dogs and remembered how they had knowingly lead me straight to their tennis balls.

"Hey, pretty girls." I got their attention just as they were finishing with their meal, "Do you guys know where Elliot is?"

I tried not to feel stupid, literally talking to animals and expecting them to understand me, but it was hard not to feel dumb with the way they were looking at me. Two sets of blank stares, watching me make a fool of myself.

"Where's Elliot?" I tried again, in a more excited tone, hoping it would click for them.

"Uh... hi, can I help you?"

I whipped around to see a sweaty, handsome stranger entering from the patio doors. His jeans were grass-stained and his skin was deeply tanned, making his blue eyes stand out as they watched me incredulously.

"Maybe," I was mortified, of course he had to be gorgeous, "Are you Elliot?"

"Eli," He corrected, walking over to a cupboard and retrieving a glass, "Charlene's the only person who calls me Elliot."

"Sorry." I found myself saying, even though I couldn't have known his nickname, "She said to talk to you if I had questions. I'm Veronica, the dog walker."

I extended my arm for a handshake, he glanced down at my hand, then at his own. His fingers were noticeably dirty, and he decided against touching me, offering a smile and a nod instead.

"Nice to meet you," He walked over to the sink and filled his glass, "What's your question?"

"I just didn't know if I should leave the dogs inside."

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