13 - Naked Ambition

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I perched on the edge of his desk, working slowly as I removed and discarded Ava's sweatshirt, pushing the straps of the tight black sports bra down my arms again. I was in command, meeting his focused gaze as I inched the straps lower, and lower.

"Where were we?" I asked, my stripping coming to a halt at the same point I had stopped earlier.

"Here?" I kept going, fully exposing my breasts without another moment of hesitation, "Or here?"

His eyes locked on my chest as I reached up to run my fingers over my exposed skin, his coy smile was gone, replaced by a clenched jaw as he did his best to remain composed. My competitive side was coming out, any reservations or pesky morals I might have had left were overshadowed by my need to come out on top in our little wager.

I slipped off the desk, standing just inches in front of him, hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my leggings, and began slowly, tantalizingly pushing them down to the ground. His breathing hitched audibly, his eyes still trained on my breasts as I leaned over. I kept my face level with his as I stepped out of my pants and left them in a pile on the floor.

"How's your sense of control doing?" I whispered.

"Still good."

"Guess I'll have to work a little harder then." I stepped closer, now wearing nothing but my panties, my bra hanging uselessly from my waist. Carefully I slipped my knees up into his chair on either side, straddling him. He instinctively went to place his hands on my hips, but I reached down to grasp his wrists.

"You can look, but you can't touch," I told him softly, placing his hands back on the armrests of his chair. His expression hinted at frustration now, but he resisted the urge to touch me, even with my breasts pushed right up to his face.

It was clear that he was just as competitive as I was, even with him being fully clothed I was beginning to lose my edge. My closeness to him, the smell of him, the feeling of his body under me, it was driving me crazy. I needed to make him break first, I had to do something unresistible.

With one hand grasping and massaging my breast, I slowly trailed the other downward, making sure I had his attention before slipping my fingers into my underwear. I felt his body tense as I began to touch myself, settling onto his lap so that my hand was planted firmly between his arousal and my own. From the feel of it, I was close to winning.

My hand continued rubbing increasingly rough strokes against his growing erection as I pleasured myself, a soft moan escaped my lips and the look in his eyes told me I had him right where I wanted him.

"Good God.." He groaned, his eyes closed as his hands gripped my thighs, "You win. I can't control myself."

I couldn't help but grin, my fingers slowing to a stop, "That's what I thought."

"I mean it, Veronica," His tone was serious as he opened his eyes to meet mine, "If you don't want me to take you right here and now you had better go."

Here it was, he was giving me the option, if I didn't want to go further with him I could leave right now. Knowing I had the choice made the decision easy.

"Okay then," I retrieved my hand from inside my panties and went to work unzipping his slacks, "Take me."

Some small, reserved part of me, a voice lingering in the back of my head, warned me I would regret this. He was my boss, 30 years my senior, and I knew nothing about him other than what little I'd learned in the past few days. I brushed it aside, my current insatiable state was not the time to think things through. It was just casual sex, I knew that, nothing was going to come of it. If I regretted it in the morning, I could end it, it never had to happen again.

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