25 - Ulterior Motives

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I finished my shower and pulled back the curtain to find a clean t shirt and flannel sweats, both of which I assumed were Simons, folded carefully on the counter. I pulled them on and wiped the mascara pools from under my eyes before slipping back out into the real world.

My heart was racing, the feeling of Eli's lips on mine playing over and over in my mind, but I still didn't know what I wanted. With one kiss he had managed to complicate everything. I knew we needed to talk, but I also knew Simon's house party was not the place.

The party was still in full swing, a very intoxicated couple perched on the bannister, kissing each others knuckles one by one. I avoided eye contact as I searched the surrounding rooms for Ava, finding her in the same room as before with Simon. He was stretched out on the bed, playing a soft tune on his guitar while she sat by his feet, mesmerized.

"Hey." I interrupted softly, "I'm going to just head back downstairs. Thanks for the outfit, it's better than the one I wore." I shot Simon a thankful smile.

"Come sit." Ava patted the spot next to her on Simon's bed.

"Nah, you guys have fun." I stepped back, "I'm going to grab another one of those beers."

"Hey, there's a guest room at the end of the hall, there." Simon pointed to the other side of the landing, "If you're not feeling the party. You strike me as a more chilled and laid back type, so feel free to hang out in there if you'd rather."

"Thanks Simon," His surfer vibe was definitely growing on me, he was much sweeter than I'd originally assumed, "Actually, I should probably call my mom and let her know my phone is busted. Can I borrow yours, Ava?"

"Of course." She pulled it from her pocket and handed it to me, "You can just hold onto it for now, in case I lose you again. I can call you from Simon's."

"Sounds good, thanks."

I closed the door behind me as I made my way over to the room Simon had indicated to, knocking softly before opening the door. Thankfully, there was no one inside and I locked the door before dialing my mom's number and flopping down on the large, silk made bed.

"Hello, this is Claudia Wynne." It was weird to be on the other end of my mother's formal phone greeting, I was used to her answering with, 'Hi sweetie, what's up?'.

"Hey mom, it's me."

"Roni? Hi sweetie, what's up? Who's phone are you calling from?"

"My friend Ava's. I got caught in the rain and my phone is ruined, so you can just call me here if you need me until I can get a new one."

"Oh darn, I knew we should've bought you an umbrella."

"It's alright," I smiled to myself, feeling comforted by the sound of her voice, "I'd probably forget to use it anyways."

"Well, we can help you out with a new phone," She offered, "I know you don't make a whole lot at that pet store job, but I think you're due for an upgrade anyways. Let me check with your father."

"Thanks mom."

I decided against telling her I no longer worked at the pet store, lying to my mother was much harder than lying to Ava and I would need to get my story straight first. I rolled onto my stomach and caught a glance of the decorative clock on the wall.

"Oh my God, it's after 11. Sorry to call so late."

"It's just after 8 here honey. There's a time difference, remember? Don't you have an early class tomorrow though? You should probably get to bed."

Another thing I wasn't sure how to tell her yet.

"I'm actually already in bed," I fibbed, rolling over again on the duvet for effect, "I just wanted to call and let you know about my phone."

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