11 - Indulgence

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I awoke Saturday morning to the sun slicing through the blinds and streaking across my eyelids. I grumbled and rolled to face the wall, almost managing to drift off to sleep before I could form a conscious thought, but just in the nick of time, it hit me.

"What time is it?" I rolled back over and searched the nightstand for my phone, squinting in the bright sunshine peeking in through the blinds.

"I dunno, shh.." Ava muttered from her bed.

I knocked a book and a few loose pens to the floor before my hand finally stumbled across my phone. I forced my eyes open just enough to see the time, it was just after 7:30 AM. I remembered that Mr. Ford and I hadn't agreed on a set time for me to start work, but not having a set time was almost worse than having a strict one. For my unmanageable mess of a brain, open-ended plans just meant more opportunity for procrastination.

"Fuck me." I forced myself to sit up and continued trying to get my eyes all the way open.

If I let myself go back to sleep who knows what time I would wake up, by the time I managed to get to Mr. Ford's it would definitely no longer be "morning". After a few more moments of sitting on my bed, blinking slowly and trying not to just fall right back asleep, I finally stood and started rummaging through my clothes.

"Ava." I whispered, glancing over to see her lying with her arm over her eyes, blocking out me as well as the sun, "Ava, can I borrow some clothes?"

"Knock yourself out, just shh." She replied groggily.

"Okay, sorry."

I made my way over to her closet and started gingerly sifting through her clothes, until I found a pair of leggings and a black sports bra. I didn't need to look fancy, I just didn't want to look homeless. I changed, struggling not to topple over as I was still half asleep, and slipped out the door as quietly as I could.

As I made my way out to the street I was pleased to see that it was unusually sunny and warm. I had snatched a University of Southern Maine sweatshirt of Ava's on my way out the door just in case, so I tied it around my waist and started off towards the smoothie shop.

I considered calling another Uber, but I was running low on funds, so I pulled out my phone and called "PF", which was the best thing I could think of to save Mr. Ford's number under. It rung twice before I fully considered how early it still was, it was possible he was still asleep and here I was calling him. Before I could hang up, I heard a click.

"Good morning, Veronica." I couldn't tell from his voice if I had woken him, he always sounded gruff.

"Hi, I know it's early. Sorry if I woke you."

"I was up. Just having a cup of coffee before the masses arrive, what do you need?"

"I was just hoping for a ride, but if your driver isn't there yet, I can just take the bus or something." ."

I had already made it to the smoothie shop, I pushed the door open and went straight to my usual table. It was much chilllier inside than it was out in the sun, and I felt somewhat exposed just sitting around in a sports bra. I struggled to slip Ava's sweatshirt on and hold my phone at the same time.

"Don't be silly." I could hear the amusement in his voice again, "I'll come get you myself. I do still know how to drive."

"Of course you do. I just didn't want to be a bother."

"It's no bother, I'll leave now. Same place?"

"Yes, thank you." I hung up and marinated in my stunned silence for a moment, quickly zipping up the sweatshirt as soon as both hands were free.

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