Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Jayden's POV

I just stood there smiling at her while she left the kitchen, she was making my heart beat faster than it should and I didn't like this feeling. it felt like having a first crush in high school, the way she looked at me made my stomach feel weird, in a good way thou, and what was this smiling of a thing?  I was a smiling mess around her and this is absolutely new. Just seeing her get hurt almost made me find the person who made glass and make them pay for hurting her. Damn it!! This girl is going to be the death of me. I shrugged off all this weird feelings I was having , went to my room and freshened up to come down stairs for breakfast, I couldn't wait to taste her food. If this was fate for me seeing her at my house then I sure loved this fate.

Aurora's POV

I had finished making breakfast and served when Mrs. Jane asked me to call her son down for breakfast, I was about going up the stairs when I saw him walking down the stairs and my mouth almost flew open, he was so handsome without even trying hard, he wore just regular clothes but still looked like a model, he wore short dark blue pants and an agua t shirt, his hair was still wet but curled pretty well, he ran a hand in his wet hair and I felt the urge to do same, he wore diamond earrings and gosh he looked so beautiful, his girlfriend must be so lucky.

i was staring at him to the point where I didn't realize he was already standing in front of me, Ohh lord, he smelled so good, i wanted to hug him.

"Are you going to keep eye raping me or I should go eat now?" he asked sarcastically while looking at me with those amber eyes and it made my feet's weak. ohh God why does this man have so much effects on me?.

"umm... well.. I... I was coming to call you, I made pancakes" I said still looking into his eyes, the black circle in his amber eyes expanded and that's when I noticed he was happy but didn't want to show it, he just had a cold expression, but you could see the joy in his eyes. he sure loved pancakes like his mom said.

"Well thank you" he said while going towards the dinning, the type to hide his feelings. I see!!
I served him 5 pancakes, whipped cream on the top with some strawberries, and sprinkled some caramel source on them too. He ate them all in less than 20 minutes, he sure loved them.

"thank you so much for the pancakes my dear, they were super good" Mrs. Jane said with a wide smile. Her husband had traveled.

"you're welcome ma'am" I said and started clearing the table. Jayden was done eating too and went straight to manipulating his phone.

While clearing the stable, I saw him stealing glances at me, "what was his problem? He ate something he loved and that was really, really well made and he couldn't even utter a thank you? He's really one hell of a spoilt brat". i thought while glaring at him one more time and getting in to the kitchen, I had to start preparing for lunch, I'll be making mashed potatoes, chicken breast and some vegies.

Jayden's POV

These pancakes were fire!!!. I didn't want to show how much I loved them but I couldn't help but finish it in less than 20 minutes, curse this huge appetite I have, damn!! I loved these pancakes. I didn't tell her thank you, I didn't want to sound all appreciative, so I just pretended to manipulate my phone. I saw her sending daggers at me with her glares and I gulped hard, she was so intimidating.

"Thank you for the pancakes Rora... they were really good, and I love pancakes, they're my favorites so thank you" I said from behind her, she was washing some vegies.

" I thought you'll never admit, and you're welcome sir" a feisty one she is.

"Please call me Jayden, sir makes me feel old you know?" I said rhetorically

"I don't want to sound disrespectful, you're my boss too, but if u insist si... I mean Jayden"

"Well that wasn't so hard, what you doing? Can I help?" I asked while grabbing a soda from the fridge. I was bored.

"no Jayden, I'll be fine, I am sure you've got a lot of office work to do"

"not at all, right now I am on holidays, I am taking a break"

"Ohh yeah , of course, it's your dads company, you can do whatever you want right?" she said sarcastically and I chuckled

"Things are not always the way people think cutie. Now let me help you" I said while smirking at her.

"if you really want to help me , please start by calling me Aurora" she rolled her eyes at me. Wow, she sure wasn't intimidated by me.

"don't you like my little nickname I gave you? It's not only a name you know, it's actually true, you are actually very cute"

"well thank you, but I can't say same for you" she let out a soft giggle which made my heart skip a beat, and I held my chest like I was hurt

"that hurts you know" she laughed out loud, her laughter was like a song in my ears, it echoed and I found myself smiling real hard., she's What is she doing to me OMG surely going to be the death of me. " you should laugh more often you know" I whispered more to myself, and thank goodness she didn't get me.

"well sorry I had to say the truth, since you really want to help, come here and help me chop these vegies then"

" sure, I am a not only good in business but also in chopping vegies cutie" i went to the cupboard took a chopping board and a knife and started chopping the vegies

" so tell me, is it your first time in Canada?"

" yes it is" she said after giving me a quick glance and returning to what she was washing

"mom told me you are from Cameroon?. The day we met at the airport, I was actually going to Cameroon for a business trip.

"yeah I am a Cameroonian, I've heard about you on the news ones or twice but never actually seen even a picture of u, where have u been hiding JAY?

" Well, dad and mom never wanted me to be involved in the media , so they took down every post that showed my face or stated that I was their son, people just knew they had a son, but they never knew my face. Only few people knew me as their son." I said while biting on some carrots.

"ohh I see, I think it's a good thing to remain private" we heard the door bell, that must be Leo

"yh I think so too. I am done chopping your veggies ma'am, don't worry I'll get the door" I washed my hands and walked out. I heard her yell a thank you from the kitchen when I was already at the door

"you're welcome cutie" I chuckled and opened the door to see Leo standing with a girl I don't recognize.

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