Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Aurora's POV

It's another weekend, a Friday evening and I was preparing to head home when Mrs. Jane said she wants to have a word with me.

"hey dear come on in" I got in " have a seat please" we were in her office, everyone had an office at home, Jay's own was in his room.

"well I and my husband will be traveling to Cameroon tomorrow morning for a business trip and we'll    be there for a month, it's a very important trip so we have to be present. I need you to continue doing your job here, Jay will be here so don't worry about anything" I just nodded

"That's all dear, u can go have some rest now, and don't forget you can stay here when ever u want"

" thank you ma'am, I'll take my leave now" she nodded and went back to what she was doing.
The next day I came when Mr. and Mrs. Vegas had already left for their trip, I was left alone with Jayden. We had gotten pretty close throughout the weeks and we could even call ourselves friends. He helped me when he was free especially for grocery shopping and we talked a lot on phone too. he had begged me yesterday night to stay here till his parents came back and I had agreed after a long time of him pleading, it was fun teasing him thou. I was mostly home alone because Shella was always at the hospital.                   

I went to my room, kept the clothes I'll be wearing while I am here and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast, this mansion felt like my second home. I made pancakes, scrambled eggs and sausages and some orange juice to go along.

" hey good morning" Jay said groggily

"good morning to you too sir"

"hmmm... pancakes, nice" he sat down at the dinning.

" yeah you're welcome" I giggled gently. Jay wasn't really what I expected him to be, spoilt and rude, he was down to earth, hardworking and kind, he had some anger issues but he's pretty good at controlling it or maybe not... like one time I went to give him food at the office and one of his employees were flirting with me, he got so pissed that he told the guy to go to a store which was a 3 hours' drive from the office to get him one particular type of pen. the poor guy had to go without arguing or else he'll be fired. I think he got jealous, but when I asked him, he completely denied, he said he was just looking out for me, that the guy flirts with everything in skirt. I just let it slide.
We finished eating and we decided to go grocery shopping. We were out of supply, Jay wasn't going to work and he opted to drive me to the super market.

He went upstairs to freshen up while I cleared the table; the cleaner was here to do the dishes.
I was facing the door while scrolling on tiktok when I heard footsteps and knew it was him, he always blessed the air with his wonderful cologne.

"I thought you'll take forever to fi..." I couldn't complete my words when I turned and saw him standing so close to me, he was wearing blue jeans and a dark blue t shirt, he didn't have to try hard to look so hot, he was a step away from me and he kept staring down at me, he was quite tall, he  took another step and came closer , and my breath hitched, he was so close our bodies almost touched, I could smell every bit of him and it felt so good, my heart was racing and I bet someone could hear it from the kitchen. He then started bringing his face closer, and when I thought he was going to kiss me, he took his hand behind my head and removed something from my hair.

"look, there was something in your hair" he said while showing me a black threat from on his hand. I just stood there speechless, my eyes wide open, my hands were sweating, if I was still holding my phone It would be drowning by now. But wait, how did he see that in my black hair?

"I just saw it when u where still facing the door, I have really good eye sight Rora"  he said with an evil smirk plastered on his face and began walking to the door.
Wait did he just read my mind? Was I loud?

" no you weren't loud, come on let's go, we've got a lot to buy" Damn you Jay, he knew what he was doing, and he knew that he made me feel extremely nervous.

I just shook my head like a way of getting out of my thoughts and I followed him.
We went towards his car, one of them actually, this was a BMW, he opened the car door for me," hmm what a gentleman" I said to myself. The car ride was quite silent but not an awkward silence, a comfy one, I loved long drives and it was like he read my mind because he took me to a super market which was far from home, about 45 minutes' drive from home. When we arrived, I got into the shop while he parked the car.

Jayden's POV

I told Rora to get inside while I parked the car. i got in few minutes after her and she was nowhere to be found, it was a big super market and It took me 5 minutes to finally see her, she was at the last counter where toilet tissues where kept, some random guy was flirting with her and it made my blood boil, she's not my girlfriend "yet" but I felt so pissed seeing her with another man, and he was trying to touch her and she clearly was rejecting it but the jerk wouldn't let her be, this idiot should be behind bars.

"RORA" I yelled her name and she jerked up and turned to look at me, the look in her eyes where that of discomfort and anger, it automatically softened when it landed on me. I walked up to them, grabbed her hand and made her stand behind me, then I turned to face the guy with so much anger in my eyes, I was gawking at him and he could feel my anger, I just wanted to gouge those eyes of he's for even looking at her. He just muttered a sorry and walked as fast as he could,  I was still staring at him till he was out of sight. I turned to Rora who was looking at me like she'll cry.

"Are you ok Rora? Did he hurt you?, what did he tell you?" I asked with a worried expression, her glossy eyes made my heart ache, what did that guy do to her?

" talk to me Aurora" she didn't say anything she just looked at me and I hugged her, patted her head and told her everything will be fine. She didn't cry, she almost cried thou, but she didn't and I was happy, I don't know what I would have done if a single tear dropped from her eyes.

After she had calmed down, we bought all the stuffs we needed and left the shop. We got into the car and she was still looking dreary, I don't like seeing her like this.

"hey, can you please cheer up for me?, I don't like this mood of yours Rora, what did that man do to you?" after  2 mins of silence she decided to talk to me.

" he was holding me with all his strength, and... and he said I must follow him" she said and then turned and looked at me. "I don't know the man and I've never seen him before, he was forcing me to come with him and it made my blood boil, I was about hitting him when I heard your voice"

" a feisty one huh, I thought you were gonna cry" I said sarcastically, she just let out a sigh and shook her head while looking down at her palms.

"I tend to cry when I'm really morose" she almost whispered.

" ok then, next time I am never letting you out of my side" I said and then started the car, I felt her staring at me, I am sure she was intrigued by my responds. But she didn't say anything.
We got home and I helped her organize the groceries and made lunch for us. It was about 6pm after we had finished having dinner; we were seated in the living room watching cartoons.

"hey Rora, want to ask u something"

" hmm go on" her eyes were glued on the screen

"do u have a boyfriend or a fiancé back in Cameroon?"

"umm no I don't have any there"

"ohh thank GOD" I said and  I think my reply took her off guard, she turned her head towards me so hard I thought her neck will break.

"why are u thanking God?"

"nothing really don't worry about it." I said while leaning on the couch and smiling to myself. I think I've got a chance with her, after all it's right time I started looking for someone I'll marry one day, mom would soon start pestering me and she looked like the perfect option. Hanging in and out with her these days, I've gotten to know her a bit and she's nice, kind and beautiful. Perfect for me!.

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