Chapter 7 Fighting dirty

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After leaving the gym Sonia walks over to me to eat at "Bob's your uncle" with her. While waiting for our food we saw a picture which had her ask about it. My response was to tell her that the poster is beautiful. To which she says "Yes that is a beautiful picture. Bob must be the fifth part of the legend. Wait a second. Do not distract me like that, let's focus on the picture itself." Contrary to popular belief I actually was focusing on the picture. We start by noticing the sword and shield not being in the picture which had me observe the end of the legend. As we mention the two heroes becoming sad we also realized a spring being near. This spring was similar to the one near this city so I made the suggestion to see the spring to help investigate what is there. Sonia agrees and we go off after eating.

As we were staring at the spring she mentions only Pokemon swim in there now asking about what this had to do with the legend. To which I replied "Maybe it's because of the heroes being Pokemon themselves." She was impressed by the observation and thought about how if we got the sword and shield it could help us understand things further. Hop then appeared and said "Oh Aedan did you forget about our battle?" "You and Sonia should probably stop chatting so we can finally duel once and for all." I replied with "You know what fine but I swear you shouldn't be interrupting a good conversation like that. Such behavior could screw you over you know." Pokeball ready I say "Let's dance boy. Time for our climax."

He starts by sending out Dubwool where I bring out Chun-Li who did some bulldozing. However, Dubwool was too durable for my trick which made me have to resort to using extrasensory ending the sheep's guarding even if it took basically forever. Pincurchin comes out next, which to tell the truth did literally nothing. Snorlax comes next who did some mean damage but Chun-Li was able to overcome the trial and finished it off. Cinderace comes out next and counters Chun-Li until it started using extrasensory finishing off the rabbit. Corviknight comes so I switch to Jessie who by just being there and countering defeats the bird in one or two hits giving me the win.

After the battle Hop showed me his "Galarian Honedge" and pointed it to my throat asking "Why can't I be like you?" and pushed me underwater. Seeming like he was going to drown me he proceeded to ask "Would you like to see a red pool?" As he points his knife towards my heart I tried to use telekinesis. The knife was removed from Hop's hand as I kicked him hard enough for myself to move. Swimming back up I restrained Hop for a bit and threw him by a bench. My first question was "What is wrong with you? Seriously ever since that Bede incident you have been acting weird even though it seems like he changed as a person. Let's just talk about this." Hop proceeds to reply "You just don't understand. I don't want to end up a nobody. Ever since my friends died it just hasn't been the same." I was confused "Seriously? You just want to feel decent? Please I understand your insecurities but just leave us alone we didn't want any trouble. It's one thing to be competitive but this is too far." Hop then silently left most likely so he did not get caught. Swearing revenge he storms off never to be seen again.

Sonia questioned what his deal was. I then said "don't mention it, it's for the better." As she walks off I go away too. Off to route 9. We see Team Yell protecting a Drednaw. This guy just wanted to bring his bike and was not harming anyone. I then walk over to them as the bike guy realized that it was me who helped him the first time and asks me to help and I will get an upgrade to which I accepted.

After the battle was over the two Team Yell grunts go off to Spikemuth with their Drednaw as the guy upgrades my bike as promised. Which made me consider revisiting the wild area before going across the sea.

At the wild are I met two very powerful psychics known as Gothitelle and Sigilyph. The names I gave to them were Henrietta and Hyro. Perfect for their designs. I also picked up many stones one of which to evolve the Kirlia. He now became a Gallade which will be beneficial for Team Yell.

Back at route 9 we went on a spree to make sure the gym is easy to secure. Marnie helped out by finding me a way in but on the condition that we fight. Marnie starts off by sending Liepard where I bring Marisa. Marisa gets faked out only for her to use a bit of light to snuff the dark. She then brings out Toxicroak who gets destroyed by Gallade's zen headbutt. After this she brings out Scrafty who Marisa just had to drain it's hp with a kiss to win. To try and finish me off Marnie sends Morpeko where I send Chun-Li who drilled it to the ground securing my win.

After the battle Marisa evolved into a Hatterene

Marnie lets me into the dark alleyway as I realized that this was actually a gym. Team Yell actually runs this gym which was impressive as I always assumed they weren't that bright. The challenge was to go through many of the members in order to defeat their leader who is also the gym leader. Inside of the challenge I was constantly getting jumped by Team Yell members which was probably the intention as they are indeed gang members. Marisa helped me defeat some members with ease. Mr. Mime was also blocking the path to get to the leader which had me fight more members and that honestly is understandable good job Mr. Mime.

After a double battle using Marisa and Hearth I saw Marnie scolding the Team Yell members for blocking the gym. It seems the purpose of the closing was to keep it safe from danger which I believed was stupid. Marnie told me not to worry and to move onto the leader so I went on so I could fight them.

There was a concert going on which had the leader himself singing which was actually pretty good which made me like Team Yell's taste in music. He notices me and introduces himself. He was the gym leader absent from the ceremony known as Piers. The leader of Team Yell who is surprisingly pretty calm. Neither of us were able to dynamax which honestly I was ok with that.

He starts with Scrafty and I bring Marisa. Scrafty starts by faking out Marisa where I put a special attack boost on Marisa. She then kisses Scrafty after it night slashes her healing hp and defeats Scrafty. Piers then brings Obstagoon but luckily despite being slower Marisa was stronger. Kissing it after hefty damage and healing herself. Piers then tries to bring Malamar to contradict itself which luckily Marisa can't even lower it's stats so one draining kiss ends off the contrarian. Piers finally brings Skuntank to sucker punch and poison me. One kiss was not enough as it starts the poisoning. After the toxic countdown beings it sucker punches me but luckily the damage was already done Marisa was healed completely and Skuntank was down.

Piers congratulated me as he gave me his gym badge. He then hands me some of his merch which was a dark uniform in case I wanna listen to his music at a concert. His little sister Marnie then walks in as Piers was going to retire so she can take the spotlight. Marnie denies because if she becomes the champion what would be the point? Piers understands so he continues on as the dark leader as I head off.

As a reward for succeeding I was given the ability to teach snarl. A dark type move that can help cover the ghost weaknesses if Makoto was not enough. After the reward though, somebody was asking from anybody which Leon was doing. He also had me try to help in case he was not enough.

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