Child of God

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[Not much in this chapter besides a mention of being trans/gay being a sin. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Classes and work has been kicking my ass. Here's a small little chapter to fuel you guys. Thanks for reading and let me know what you think!]

Keith woke up to Lance playing with his hair absentmindedly while scrolling through his phone. Keith sighed as he curled up more into Lance's side. Lance glanced away from his phone to look down at Keith.

"Hey sleepy head," Lance said with a soft chuckle.

Keith groaned and closed his eyes again. Lance hummed and continued playing with Keith's hair.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I'm fucking dying," Keith mumbled.

"You hungry?" Lance asked and dropped the strand of hair that was in his hand.

"I'll throw up if I eat. What time is it?"

Lance picked up his phone and showed Keith the time displayed on his phone.

"Is that a picture of us on your lockscreen?" Keith squinted at his phone.

Lance shrugged and set his phone back down. Keith sat up and stretched before flipping backwards next to Lance.

"Im hungry."

"I just asked if you were."

"Yeah cause I might throw up."

"Well you gotta try to eat," Lance said as he sat up.

Keith watched as Lance stood up and made his way out of Keith's room silently. He reached over on the nightstand to grab his phone and groaning at seeing the time. 2pm. He had been passed out for 7 hours. Cuddling Lance. For 7 hours.

Keith groaned and slammed his phone onto his night stand. He put his hands over his face and sighed.

"You ok?"

Lance's voice startled Keith, causing him to sit up quickly. He groaned as he closed his eyes and gripped the blanket that was covering his legs.

"Woah, easy there."

Lance set the bowl of soup down next to Keith's phone on the nightstand before standing in front of Keith. He put his hands on Keith's shoulders and Keith shook his head.

"Don't touch me."

"Oh, sorry," Lance said and took a step back.

"It's's really hot in here," Keith mumbled and looked up at Lance.

"Maybe you should take a cold shower first before you eat," Lance suggested, putting his hands in his pockets.

Keith nodded before slowly standing up. He stumbled a bit and fell face first into Lance's chest. Lance caught him and supported his weight.

"I'll go run you a cold bath since you clearly can't stand on your own."

"Im fine."

"Says the one who fell as soon as he stood."

Keith huffed and tilted his head up to look at Lance. Lance's lips were in a small smile and his eyes sparkled in the small amount of sunlight coming into Keith's room. Keith gulped before pushing off of Lance.

"Let's just go," Keith mumbled and followed Lance to the bathroom.


"Keith? You ok in there?" Lance said as he knocked softly on the bathroom door.

Keith had been in the bath for about 45 minutes now causing Lance to worry that he had passed out and drowned. Even though Lance knew that was ridiculous.

"I'm fine," Keith said softly from the other side.

"Can I come in?"


Lance opened the door to find Keith lying in the bath tub, his head leaning back against the wall. Lance sat down on the floor next to Keith and pulled out his phone. As much as Lance wanted to look at Keith's body, he had some respect for the pale boy so he focused on his phone instead.


"Yeah?" Lance looked up from his phone, blinking at Keith.

"You're really pretty."

"Am I now?" Lance said, setting his phone down.

Keith nodded and reached out to grab Lance's hand. Lance watched as Keith fiddled with the gold ring that was on his middle finger.

"You have nice hands. They're really soft. I like the rings that you wear too. They make your hands pretty."

Lance let out a small laugh before reaching up with his other hand and placing it on Keith's cheek. Keith leaned into the touch and sighed at Lance's cool skin against his own.

"I wish we could be together," Keith mumbled, closing his eyes.

"We could be. If that's what you want."

"But it's wrong."

"How so?"

"You got that whole child of god thing going for you. Perfect student with a perfect life. I mean besides your idiot father."

Lance stayed silent and rubbed his thumb against Keith's cheek.

"You don't want someone like me ruining your life," Keith said with a breathy laugh.

"You won't ruin my life Keith."

"Lance. Be serious. I'm known as the town's biggest fucking sinner. They think I killed my own adoptive parents. Everyone thinks there's something wrong with me because my own parents didn't want me. You know I was found outside of a church? The nuns took me in and helped me get adopted. I was raised to believe I was the perfect person and follower of god. I had a good image for a while before I was found standing outside the burning house showing no emotion. I'm just an emotionless asshole. I'm not good for you. No matter how happy you make me, I can't be with you."

"You think I care if you ruin my life? If I cared that much about my image I wouldn't be hanging out with you and Pidge. Gays and transgenders are considered large sins in this world yet I still hang out with you two. Who cares what anyone thinks?"

"I care," Keith said as he opened his eyes to meet Lance's gaze.

"Since when? As long as I've known you, you have never cared about your reputation. There were rumors that you were having sex with the guys in our school and you didn't care. I don't care if you think you're bad for me. Maybe I need that in my life right now."

"Right now? What about the future, Lance? You just see me as someone you need just right now?" Keith whispered.

Lance stared into Keith's violet eyes and frowned. He dropped both of his hands and set them in his lap. He knew he messed up and he didn't know how to fix it.

"I want you to be in my future. But you're talking like you don't want to be."

Keith blinked and looked down at the water.

"I already said I didn't want to ruin your life."

Lance let out a frustrated groaned before cupping Keith's face in his hands and pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

"I want you to ruin my life," Lance whispered as he kept his forehead against Keith's.

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