His Punishment

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[This chapter has mentions of abuse and rape. Nothing too serious though. There will be a little note at the end of this chapter from me to you guys <3. Without further ado, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!]

"What do you mean they're just letting him go?" Keith slammed his hands on the dining room table.

Keith and Shiro were currently at the McClain house over for dinner. Rosa had just sat back down at the table after getting off of the phone with the police. It had been about a week since Lance's father had been arrested. A week without Lance's father touching him.

"There's not enough evidence to go off of," Rosa said, looking at Keith.

"That's bullshit! Lance had video evidence of him putting his hands on his own fucking son!"

"Keith, that's enough," Shiro said and glanced at his brother.

"Enough? When is it ever enough? Lance's own father raped him so many fucking times and no one fucking did anything. You're letting this pedophile into your damn house and around your kids, Rosa! He's using his status as a priest as a way to fucking traumatize his kids and get this town to believe he could never do anything wrong! He's a piece of shit for a father and a husband! He's a shitty excuse of a human!" Keith yelled.

"And what do you know about fathers?" Rachel said, taking a bite of her salad.

"Rachel, stop," Rosa warned.

"I know that they're not supposed to fucking rape their kids and traumatize them," Keith growled.

"You've never had a dad. I don't think you get to speak on the matter," Rachel said to Keith.

"It's like talking to a fucking wall with you people!" Keith yelled and stood up, causing his chair to fall over.

"Keith, just sit down and eat," Shiro said and grabbed Keith's wrist.

"Just leave me alone like you should have 12 years ago," Keith mumbled and yanked his arm around of Shiro's grip.

Lance silently watched as Keith left the house, slamming the door on his way out. Rosa had taken Rachel out of the room to scold her on her comments to Keith.

"Should..someone go after him?" Lance finally said.

"He'll come back. He just needs to cool off," Shiro mumbled.

Lance nodded slowly before poking at his food. The rest of Lance's siblings silently finished their food before dismissing themselves from the table. Lance and Shiro were sitting at the table in an awkward silence before Shiro cleared his throat.

"I should..probably get going. I'll have Keith text you when he gets home. Or can you have him text me if he comes back here?" Shiro asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah. No problem," Lance smiled.

"Thank you. If you need anything you have my number and know where I live so feel free to come by at any time," Shiro said and Lance nodded.

"Thank you."


Lance was lying on his back on his bed when he received a text.

Direct Message request from Keef
[Accept] [Decline]

Request Accepted

Keef: I'm sorry

Sharpshooter: ?

Keef: at dinner

Keef: yk. me being an asshole. like always.

Sharpshooter: Yeah, you kinda were.

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