Introduction And Challenge

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Kiyo POV

As we all reached to the classroom.
I quickly took out my Pokedex and checked info about my Pokemon.

First is nature

Natures are part of what makes each Pokemon unique from each other. They are randomly applied to each Pokemon upon receiving or capturing them. Each of the 25 Natures, with the exception of five, will increase one Base Stat by 10% while decreasing another Base Stat by 10%.

I look at my Pokedex and clicked on riolu.

Name:- Riolu

Nature:- jolly

Type:- Fighting

Ability:- inner focus

Gender:- male

National no:- 0447

Level:- 5

Personality:- Riolu is rather headstrong and has a desire to get strong. Also despite being a baby Pokemon it dislikes being cared for and prefers to act independently. Despite this it is very loyal to its trainer and is eager to participate in his battles.


1. Endure

Endure allows the user to survive all attacks during the turn with at least 1 HP (even if it already has 1 HP remaining). It has priority +4 so will activate before most other moves.

The accuracy of Endure decreases by 1⁄3 each time it is used consecutively after itself

"I could use it at start of the battle, good move" i said as i swipe my Pokedex

2. Quick Attack

Quick Attack deals damage and has a priority of +1.

Moves with a higher priority always go first, regardless of a Pokémon's speed. If two moves with the same priority are used, the faster Pokémon goes first as usual.

3. High jump kick

High Jump Kick deals damage, however, if it misses the user keeps going and crashes, losing 1⁄2 of its maximum HP. High Jump Kick cannot be used if Gravity is in effect.

"This move sure is powerful but risky" i said

"Looks like my riolu have jolly nature."

Jolly Pokémon gain increased Speed but lowered Special Attack.
Then I'll make him physical sweeper.

Now let's see info on Gible

Name:- Gible

Nature:- Adamant

Type:- Dragon and Ground (Dual type)

Ability:- Rough Skin ( Hidden Ability)

Gender:- male

National no:- 0443

Level:- 5

Personality:- Gible is quite a powerful battler, but outside of battle, he tends to be quite clumsy and oblivious. Gible can also be very destructive


1. Sand tomb

Sand Tomb inflicts damage on the first turn then traps the opponent, causing them to lose 1⁄8 of their maximum HP after each turn, for 4-5 turns.

"Not bad, not bad"

2. Tackle

Tackle is one of the most common and basic moves a Pokémon learns. It deals damage with no additional effects.

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