Unexpected Bet and Challange

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Kiyo POV

"Watch me as i beat that blonde monkey" said Horikita looking toward me with rather confidant smile.

"Is that so? I am watching then" even though i said that, i think her overconfidence will lead her to her defeat.

"Next pair please come here, which is Horikita Suzune and Koenji Rokusuke" announced chabashira-sensei as we were talking.

"Hah, it'll be easy" saying that, Horikita and koenji began to walk toward battle field.

'Hmm. What's up with her smirk i said as i look toward Horikita. Is she have something in her mind?' i thought as i looked toward smugkita.

"Kōenji-kun you have a lot confidence in your Pokemon right? then why don't we make a bet" Said Horikita as she brings out her Pokeball.

"Hoh~ says who? And anyway if you wish to defeat me you'll need more 69 years~ hohoho" said koenji as he began to spin pokeball on his index finger.

'That's a little exaggeration. And what's up with that number' I can't help but thought that.

"And as for the bet Horikita-girl what's could you possibly give me other than your body~" as Koenji made that comment many girls looked at him with disgust including Horikita.

But I know his intention wasn't that.

"Oh your body won't be able satisfy me~" said koenji to which irk mark appeared on Horikita's forehead.

"That's it, you're losing this and you'll be my slave for rest 3 years, and vice versa" said Horikita with annoyed look.

"Who said I want you as my slave?" Said koenji which made Horikita surprise.

"What do you mean, if you have something in mind then say it. You're going to lose anyway" said Horikita.

"Hoh~ if i won I'd like to battle your boyfriend-kun" he said with his annoying smug smile, as he pointed toward me.

"W-what he is n-not my boyfriend!!!" shouted Horikita who was completed red.

"Is that so? But that doesn't change anything. If i won I'll battle him and his Riolu. Is that fine right Horikita girl?~" said koenji.

He anticipated that Horikita would be making a bet and his aim was to have battle with me from the start.

"Fine if that's what you want. But you'll have to defeat me for that Kōenji-kun" said Horikita smirk.

"Hey at least ask me" i shouted at them, not that i won't battle. It'll will only help me get stronger.

"Don't worry Ayanokōji-kun I'll defeat him" said Horikita with confidence as she threw her Pokeball in air.

"Go, taillow" said Horikita.

"Oricorio-boy i choose you~" said koenji as he threw his pokeball in the air.

A/N : thanks santiago87858r for suggesting oricorio.

Both oricorio and taillow came out of Pokemon at the same time.

I look toward koenji's oricorio. It was red in colour.

There are total four types of oricorio with different different types.

Red oricorio is fire and flying type.

Well if i know correctly oricorio is proud and passionate Pokemon if it's trainer gives wrong order, they gets fiercely angry.

Oricorio is currently dancing passionately much to taillow's annoyance.

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