Let's Do Some Fishing

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Kiyo's POV

I walked out of the stadium, my friends gathering around me with looks of admiration, except for Horikita, who seemed grumpy for some reason. I couldn't quite figure out why.

"Here's the champ," said Hirata as he walked towards me, followed by both Gyarus, Kushida, and lastly, Horikita.

"I must say, you surprised me. I thought for a second that you'd lose that battle," said Horikita with a frown, but I could tell deep down she was happier than even me.

"Why so grumpy now, Horikita-san? I saw how you were cheering for Ayanokōji-kun when his Riolu evolved," teased Kushida with a grin, prompting a blush from Horikita.

"S-shut up, and were you spying on me or something?" retorted Horikita, the red hue still present on her cheeks.

"Congratulations, Ayanokōji-kun. By the way, we already predicted you'd win," said both Gyarus in unison.

"That's because you both are simps," I heard Kushida mutter near me, causing me to smirk slightly.

"Thank you," I said as I patted Karuizawa and Satou's heads, eliciting a blush from them.

"Say, Ayanokōji-kun and Horikita-san, do you guys have time today? We're hanging out now," asked Hirata, with both Gyarus nodding in unison.

"Sorry, but I'll pass. As you know, I just had a battle and all, so I have to go to the Pokémon Center," I said, to which Hirata gave me an understanding nod.

However, Karuizawa and Satou looked disappointed.

"Sorry, Hirata-kun. I have some business to attend to somewhere," said Horikita with her usual calm demeanor.

"I understand. Then we won't force you," said Hirata as he started walking away, followed by both Karuizawa, and Satou.

"Bye," I said, waving back at him as he walked away.

"Well, Horikita, what business were you talking about?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"It's nothing. I am just thinking about catching some Pokémon at the Safari Zone," she said as we both started walking.

From someone else's perspective, we would appear as a couple because of how close we were walking. The tint of red hue was still present on her cheeks.

"Is that so? I too want to catch some Pokémon. How about we go there together?" I suggested, to which she stopped in her tracks for a few seconds, looking into my eyes before blushing.

"W-well, I don't mind, as long as y-you won't annoy me," said Horikita, her blush intensifying.

"Hai, hai," I said, giving her a slight smile, which only made her blush deepen.

"Let's meet at the ground floor of our dormitory around 6:30," I suggested, to which she nodded, still blushing.

Soon after, we parted ways. I needed to go to the Pokémon Center to heal my Pokémon, and I still had 45 minutes as it was currently 5:45 pm.


A/N: I know the club fair was at 5 pm and then Kiyo had a battle with Ryuuen. But Let's just say plot convenience.


I reached the Pokémon Center and entered inside, making my way towards Nurse Joy.

"Nurse Joy, I would like to heal my Pokémon," I said.

"Right away! Just place your Pokéballs in this tray," she replied, placing a tray in front of me with six round molded shapes. I placed my three Pokéballs into the tray.

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