Intense Battle

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Kiyo POV

After the match between two intresting first year students, i looked toward senpais who were watching that match with intrest one was wearing red cap and other had long hair and left eye covered with bangs.

They were giving the aura of strong trainer. I'll remember them i thought to myself as I look toward them.

"Ayanokōji-kun it's look like the match is over!" Said hirata looking exited after watching that match.

"It's seems so, let's go then" i said as I walk toward the center of the stadium with hirata just behind me.

Everyone were looking at me and hirata with excitement.

Some new senpais also gather to watch our match one of them being Cynthia the second year champion i suppose.

"Are you nervous?" I looked toward hirata who was looking kinda nervous.

"Eh...yes um a little" he said with nervous smile.

"Don't be. I want my opponent to battle me with giving his all" i said giving him small smile.

He returned my smile with his own.
He seems to focus now which is good.

"Yes your right. I also want you to do the same" he said looking a little determined now.

"Very well then, I'll choose my strongest Pokemon" i said as i grab my pokeball. For only this match I'll forget what type advantage is and fight with my strongest Pokemon.

"Then I'll do the same" said hirata grabbing his Pokemon.

A/N: It's important.
I ultimately decided that riolu will be mixed sweeper so i wanted to ask you guys if i should give him hasty nature which increases his speed while decreases his defence if i remember correctly or serious nature in which his stats will remain same, nothing will increase or decrease.

"Ayanokōji-kun, Hirata-kun both of you do your best" shouted Karuizawa and satou in unison.

"Hirata beat that arrogant basterd" said yamauchi and ike to which everyone look at them with disgust.

"Squirtle, i choose you!!" Said hirata while throwing his pokeball as squirtle came out looking fresh and determined.

"Squirtle! Squirt!" Said squirtle.

"Riolu you know what to do" i said as i threw my pokeball in air.

Riolu came out releasing his aura.


A/N: not this much but enough for Cynthia and other senpais to feel.

3rd person POV

"Woah....that was powerful aura"said some first years who were watching our chestnut haired boy's match

"And look at his riolu!!!, it's shiny!" Said some random first year.

Blonde haired beauty whose name is Cynthia was looking at our protagonist and his riolu with interest...well to be honest she was looking at Ayanokouji even before he took out his riolu.

"That kōhai have some powerful riolu, i would love to see how far he goes with that riolu" said third year with raven coloured hair and glasses"

"He sure is intresting and hot" said second year champion with a little blush while looking toward chestnut haired boy.

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