Intresting Senpais

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Kiyo POV

I walked out of arena or stadium whatever you call it. I saw some of my classmates were congratulating me for winning. I mean it wasn't much of difficult task defeating weak Pokemon, I just nodded at them and walked away.

I was planning to go to the convenience store for groceries but stopped in my track as i looked toward different stadium.

Two second year senpais were battling with each which caught my interest.

One senpai was tall and slender young lady with gray eyes and wavy knee‐length creamy‐blonde hair that covers her left eye with bangs
One. I was some Inches taller than her.

The other senpai was tall boy. He have blonde hair with blue eyes, he was slightly shorter than the first senpai.

I can hear audiance cheering their names.

"Cynthia!! Cynthia!!"

"Cynthia will win I bet!!"

"Nagumo!! Nagumo!!"

"Fuck off! Nagumo will win, I am betting 10,000 points!!"

I can hear these comments. Looks like they were some kinds big shots.

I began watch their battle.

The girl whose name is Cynthia i suppose have Garchomp as her Pokemon and the nagumo have Salamence as his Pokemon.

"Garchomp get closer to his Salamence don't let him fly and use dragon claw" said Cynthia indicating her fingers at Salamence.

Garchomp blitz toward Nagumo's Salamence but to his surprise Salamence fly just second before his claw touch him.

A/N: yo, ignore the goat.

"Not so fast Cynthia" said nagumo senpai with cocky smile.

Cynthia just smile at him looks like this was all her plan from the Start.

"garchomp use darco meteor now"

That's nice plan as Salamence is in the air I thought as watch closely.

Some meteor hits the Salamence and he crashed down in stadium.

*Bham* sound echoed in the stadium. smoke covered Salamence as he crashed down.

That must have hurt cuz dragon type moves are super effective on dragon type Pokemon. On top of that, it was strongest dragon type attack.

But It will only hurt him that's all.
It is not enough to defeat him. The reason is Salamence is dual type Pokemon. The dragon and flying.

Just as i thought that. Salamence popped out from the smoke and used hyper beam on Garchomp which garchomp can't able to avoid and got hit. Salamence was looking a little different.

He mega evolved while he was in smoke earlier.

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