Clash Between the Aces

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3rd Person POV

Smoke continued to obscure both Pokémon. All students were silent, patiently waiting for the smoke to clear. The magenta-haired boy had a grin plastered on his face, while the chestnut-haired boy had a sinister smirk as they both looked toward the obscuring smoke.

With The Class D

"What's up with his smirk!? He's in a tight situation, doesn't he understand that?" said Horikita with a frown, her eyes darting between Kiyotaka and the swirling smoke. But deep down, beneath her concern for him, there was a hint of uncertainty, as if she couldn't fully grasp his intentions.

"Oh? I knew he was a loser, can't even defeat that magenta bastard," a voice echoed from the back of Kiyotaka's group. It was Yamauchi, cradling his Trubbish in his arms while disparaging Kiyotaka. A fleeting glance at his Trubbish revealed a disinterested expression, as if it shared little affection for its trainer.

"Ahhh!" While he continued to insult our chestnut-haired boy, Yamauchi suddenly tumbled from his chair. The cause of his fall was Koenji, who had just arrived from behind. With no free seats available, Yamauchi ended up on the floor, courtesy of Koenji's unexpected arrival.

"Oh~ looks like my vision is getting bad~ I need some vitamin A for my eyesight, it seems~" sighed Koenji sarcastically as he claimed Yamauchi's vacated seat as his own. Sitting down with an air of ownership, Koenji's nonchalant demeanor drew laughter from the onlookers, while others couldn't help but offer Yamauchi sympathetic glances.

"Serves him right!" exclaimed both Gyarus and, surprisingly, Kushida with a smile before their attention shifted towards the fallen Yamauchi.

"Koenji-kun, that was very rude!" said Hirata as he walked over to the fallen Yamauchi, extending a hand to help him up.

Koenji's voice rang out, dripping with arrogance yet laced with playful disdain. "And?~ I just love to dispose of garbage, Hirata-boy~ Now, take that rubbish away from my sight~," he declared, his tone a blend of superiority and amusement.

"Damn you, bastard Trubbish, use Pound attack on him!" shouted Yamauchi to his poor Trubbish. Trubbish didn't want to attack Koenji, but he also couldn't refuse his trainer's order. So, he jumped towards Koenji, but to everyone's surprise, Koenji grabbed Trubbish's hair (knots) before it could hit him.

"Oh?~ So you want to hurt me? Don't judge me for what I'll do to you now," said Koenji with a playful yet cold tone, causing Yamauchi to shiver. Poor Trubbish, hanging from Koenji's grip, was also scared.

Just as Koenji's hand was about to reach Yamauchi, a security guard, appearing like a knight in shining armor, dashed over to the scene. With a swift and authoritative gesture, he directed Yamauchi out of the stadium, effectively removing the disruptive presence. Koenji's annoyance was palpable, while Hirata visibly sighed in relief at the resolution of the situation.

With Koenji's diversion fading into the background, attention swiftly returned to the battle unfolding in the arena. All eyes were fixed on the clash between Kiyotaka's Kirlia and Ryuuen's Sneasel, anticipation hanging thick in the air as the outcome remained uncertain.

Back To The Battle

As the obscuring smoke began to dissipate, the audience and both trainers focused intently, their attention drawn to the clearing haze. Two silhouettes emerged from the dissipating mist, both bearing bruises and breathing heavily. Kiyotaka's Kirlia and Ryuuen's Sneasel stood amidst the haze, both showing signs of exhaustion from the intense battle.

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