Unforseen Battle

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Kiyo POV

I still have around 3 hours, So let's just level up my Pokemon. But first let's heal ralts I thought as i took out my ralts.

"Ralts teleport us to the Safari zone's Pokemon centre" i said to ralts to which she nods.

Me and ralts began to glow and teleport right in front of nurse Joy which cause her to fall on her butt.

I gave her hand to stand up while smiling nervously.

"Can you please heal my Pokemon" i said.

"Right away just give me your Pokemon" she said.

I did as she told me and about in minutes or so brought my Pokemon back they were looking healthy.

"Ralts teleport us back where we were before"

Ralts did as i told her.

"Now then let's level you up shall we" i said as i pat ralts's head which seems to like her

"Rua!" She made a cute noice.

I started exploring safari zone again looking for powerful opponent for my ralts.

Then I came across a level 7 machop, a level greater than my ralts but I have type advantage so it's not a problem.

"Ralts use growl attack" I said and she did what I told her.

Ralts used growl attack lowering his attack by 1 stage, also fighting moves isn't much effective on psychic or fairy so it's my win.

He tackled ralts which caused her a little damage.

"Ralts use confusion" i said looking at machop who was looking confident in his abilities.

There are 10% chace that he'll be confused but even if he doesn't, confusion still cause him good amount of damage as psychic attacks are effective against fighting.

"Ralts use disarming voice" i said as machop was limping a little.

Disarming Voice deals damage and ignores changes to the Accuracy and Evasion stats. However, it will not hit Pokémon during the invulnerable stage of Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Shadow Force or Sky Drop.

Meaning infinite accuracy. And on top of that it's fairy type move which is effective against fighting type.

With tha attack machop fainted.

Just like that i trained my ralts and my other my other two Pokemon for like 2 hours.

My riolu was now level 16.

Gible was on leave 14.

And ralts was on level 10.

This should be enough as of now

I teleported back to the entrance of the safari zone. And waited for everyone to finished.

I saw yamauchi caught spinarak as he was flexing it in front of kushida and her group whom fake smiling at him.

But wait a second why do that spinarak looking familiar.

Mine and spinarak's eyes met and he seems a little scared and and walking towards his Pokeball.

Some noticable students such as hirata had caught 2 Pokemon one being pidgey and other being pichu. While Matsushita had caught poliwag.

Kushida had caught wurmple. And koenji as expected isn't showing his Pokemon.

I walk toward Horikita who seems to be lonely as always.

"Hey, Horikita" i said to her

"Oh Ayanokōji-kun hello"she replied.

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