Club Fair And Challenge

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3rd Person POV

"At five PM Japan Standard Time today, we will be holding a student club fair in Gymnasium No. 1. Students interested in joining a club, please gather in Gymnasium No. 1. I repeat, at-"

Just as Kiyotaka was about to reply to the girls, an announcement in a cute, cheerful voice interrupted him, permeating the classroom with a sense of anticipation.

"Ayanokouji-kun, after school, let's go to the club fair together," Horikita said, seated beside him. Her voice held a hint of determination as she shot a subtle glare at Kikyo before striding confidently out of the classroom.

'Did something happen between them? Now that I remember, Horikita was gonna tell me something about her,' thought Kiyotaka to himself as he glanced toward Kikyo, his expression masking his curiosity.

"I'm down for it. Let's eat lunch together," said Kiyotaka, his nod to Kikyo and her group tinged with politeness.

Exiting the classroom, Kiyotaka walked alongside the class's angel and her friend, attracting envious glances from his fellow male classmates, especially Ike, whose eyes seemed ready to pop out at any moment.

They arrived at the cafeteria, and fortune smiled upon them as they found a vacant seat for five people.

"Ayanokouji-kun, let's go and get food for all of us while you guys secure those seats for us," said Kushida to her friends, her voice brimming with warmth as she and Kiyotaka made their way toward the food counter to place everyone's order.

"Ayanokouji-kun, how are you so strong at Pokemon battles?" Kikyo initiated the conversation, her tone curious and her gaze fixed on Kiyotaka as they waited for their order.

"Huh?" Kiyotaka made a confused sound, his eyebrow raised in mild surprise.

"You defeated me like I was nothing," said Kikyo with a smile that held a hint of admiration.

'Strong?... I am not strong; it's just that my opponents are weak,' thought Kiyotaka to himself as he maintained a thoughtful silence for a few seconds.

"You're supposed to ask that question to Koenji, no?" chimed in the chestnut-haired boy, his smile appearing somewhat forced.

"No, something is telling me he is not better than you. Call it a women's intuition," said Kushida with a playful smile, her eyes twinkling mischievously as she collected two plates of orders while Kiyotaka gathered the remaining three, ready to return to their group, who had already secured seats.

"You guys sure took your sweet time," teased Mori with a smirk, her playful tone laced with amusement.

"It's not what you think it is," said Kikyo, a subtle blush gracing her cheeks.

Engaging in light-hearted banter, they enjoyed their meal, then Kushida turned her attention toward Mii-chan.

"Oh, by the way, Mii-chan, you had something you wanted to discuss with Ayanokōji-kun, right?" asked Kushida with a gentle smile, referring to Mei-yu Wang, who seemed timid yet eager to speak.

"Is that so?" inquired Kiyotaka, directing his gaze toward the blue-haired Chinese student, his demeanor attentive and welcoming.

"Um, I didn't formally introduce myself, but my name is Mei-yu Wang. You can call me Mii-chan," said Mii-chan shyly, her voice soft and hesitant.

"Okay then, Mii-chan, is something on your mind? Feel free to share if you need assistance," said Kiyotaka warmly, eliciting a slight blush from the girl.

"You see... the thing is, one of my Pokémon, I... I don't quite like it," confessed Mii-chan with a hint of embarrassment.

Just as she spoke, the bell rang, signaling the end of recess.

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