Cute Companion And Status Moves

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Kiyo POV

After Cynthia's advice there was silence between me and and her.
Both of us were looking toward beautiful scenery in front of us.

There was a small but beautiful lake in front of us, and to cross that lake there was built a small and stylish bridge which was increasing the beauty of that lake.

Side by the lake there were small trees, where bird Pokemon's nest were placed.

Chirping of those bird Pokemon and cool breezing air is why I like this place so much. It's perfect place for people like me who enjoy calm atmosphere.

After few seconds of silence, i stood up from the bench and look toward Cynthia who was just like me enjoying the atmosphere.

"Thank you so much for your advice.... senpai" i said as i bowed my head a little.

Cynthia look toward me and smile.

"It's nothing and i'm glad that my advice helped my handsome kōhai"

A/N: Sorry i didn't mention it in my last chapter but from now on single apostrophe 'this' means thoughts and this italic words means whisper.

I didn't quit heard what she said in small voice.

After she said that we both said good bye to eachother and went toward our respective dorms as it was getting late.

On my way to dorm i came across a puppy looking Pokemon.

It was a quadrupedal, canine Pokémon. It was primarily light blue with a darker brown muzzle, paws, and ear tips. It has large lime coloured eyes, button ears, a short muzzle with a triangular pink nose, and a short tuft of fur on each cheek. Around its neck is a ruff of grayish-white fur stubbed with dark brown pebbles.

'It is a rockruff if i remember correctly'i thought as i took out my Pokedex to confirm.

"But it's suppose to be brown...... perhaps another shiny?" I said as i look around to see if there was camera or not.

 perhaps another shiny?" I said as i look around to see if there was camera or not

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