Bᴀᴅ Bʟᴏᴏᴅ

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I sat up in the mysterious room around me, the windows blacked out and it was almost pitch black.

I can't remember anything my head is pounding, I feel scared but my heart isn't beating like usual, I guess I'm just tired.

I feel an itch in my throat, I feel sick and hungry at the same time. The doors slowly opening caused me to jump.

I see 3 people in the doorway, the first one I see is Tara. She looks at me sympathetically, sitting on the end of the bed.

The other two are tall men, one of whom I know as Jake. Also a vamp. And the other just stands there awkwardly.

My chest tightens when I see the third one, what the fuck is happening? He noticed me staring so I quickly looked away.

"W...What the fuck is happening?" I asked, sitting up and rubbing my throbbing temples.

"Your dad changed you, Vee. You... You're a newborn now." Tara replied hesitantly, I feel my eyes fill with tears. Tara hates it when other people cry.

She scooted up to me and wrapped her arms around me as I cried silently into her shoulder.

"Don't cry Violet, there's so many advantages! Be positive" She smiled reassuringly, I didn't feel very positive I mean, I'm dead.

"Where are we?" I questioned, Tara was about to answer but the quieter black-haired man spoke first.

"We're not telling you until we know you can be trusted," He told coldly, I almost wanted to sneer in his face.

"The fuck? Tara you've gotta be kidding. I have an actual life, I go to university. I don't do YouTube to make money" I argued, the cold man sighed and opened the blackout curtains.

I feel my skin begin to burn, I hiss as the sunlight hits it.

"You want to go to uni in that? I hate to break it to you sweetheart but this is our job, you belong here now. End of. Any more arguments and you're sent to the higher-ups and I don't think you want that" He spat, walking out of the room with Jake huffing and following him.

"Don't worry Johnnie's a good guy he's just doing what he said he was. His job" Tara smiled, leaving the room. "Also get some rest, call me when you wake up," She said, throwing a phone at me. I lifted my hands and caught it.

Once she was gone I looked down at the phone, it was a tiny shitty Nokia. You could barely see what was on the screen but you could still text which was good enough.

I got out of bed and suddenly felt dizzy, the itch in my throat felt unbearable. I felt as if I couldn't breathe, I opened the door and fell to the floor.

A blonde man walked past and called for somebody, I could hear white noise in my ears and my vision was blurry.

A short-haired man with a sleeve stuck a straw into my mouth, I assumed it was water.

My vision suddenly went back to normal once I had drunk a mouthful. He handed me a pouch, I looked down to see blood in it.

Normally I would've thought it was gross but I feel strangely good. The blonde in front of me smiled and stuck his hand out toward mine.

"I'm Sam, this is Colby. I'm guessing you the Newborn everybody's talking about?" He introduced him and the other blue-eyed man next to him.

They radiated warm, kind energy which is rare from a vampire. A lot of them were cold and mean like Johnnie.

"Are you guys... Vampires too?" I questioned making Colby laugh and nod his head.

"Matures, all of us except you and Tara." He informed me, that that Matures sometimes are mixes of two.

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