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(Colby's P.O.V)
Two weeks earlier...

I strode toward Johnnie's office, I wasn't going to deal with this any longer. It was clear he was in love with her, but we couldn't have that.

If he fell in love, he would get weaker, and sloppier. He would make mistakes which would cost our coven.

I knocked firmly and hard so he would hear me. I heard him shout come in so I twisted the door knob and walked through.

Johnnie was filling out paperwork at his desk so I sat down and waited for him to put down his pen and paper.

"We need to talk" I spoke, finslly getting his attention. He put down his papers and put them on a huge stack.

"About what?" He questioned curiosly. I thought before I spoke, I didn't want him to take this the wrong way. I was looking out for him.

"You see... It's about Violet, I know what's happening Johnnie you can't deny it. You love her" I rambled. A flash of anger filled his face before he went back to his usual cam and collected face. He stayed silent until I decided to speak again.

"It's not good Johnnie, or safe. For you, for us, or her" I admitted, Johnnie clenched his fists.

"Don't take it the wrong way-" Get out", He cut me off halfway through my sentence.

"What? Johnnie- " GET OUT" He yelled, I gave him a dirty look before storming out of his office.

This is for his good, in this life, if you fall in love you become targeted. Well-known covens don't mix with others.

The Salvator coven is known for its strong, male, vampires while the Guilbert Coven is known for its brutality and evil.

They're not supposed to mix under any circumstances. If ANY of the Salvators were to find out about Violet being here then war would break out.

The salvators have connections like no other coven. Connections to distant cousins, banshees. It's not good.

Tara's family wasn't well known, they were barely even a coven so her and Jake were fine, they could he happy together without any consequence. But that wasn't the same for most people...


/N: this is just a filler thats why its so short😭

anywayssss vote pls<3

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