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My last name has been passed through centuries.

Nobody knows where it came from, just that it's important. Especially within vampires. Yes, you heard it right, Vampires.

My whole life I have been around Mature vampires, that's who my family are.

A mature vampire is what you think of when you hear the word vampire. They feed on human blood and need it to survive.

My best friend Tara is a half-blood vampire. She also drinks blood, but she gets urges since she hasn't been one for a long.

And then there are elders, the most powerful vampires. They do not need anything to survive, they can blend in like a human. Most elders are a mix of 2 species like vampires- werewolves. Some matures are half too.

In Los Angeles I live, there are 3 groups of us. The half-bloods mature and the elders. Newborns are very rare nowadays.

And then there is me.

I'm not a vampire, I'm 23 and my parents are itching to change me but I don't want to, I want to be human.

I'm the youngest of 5, and I am the only human of my brothers. The order is Jonah, Leo, Weston, and Tate.

Tate has always been my favourite, probably because we're closer in age AND go to the same university.

This year is my last, I'm doing an English major, and Tate is doing an 8-year psychology course.

Currently, I'm in my dad's office. When you think of vampire houses, you probably think about HUGE gothic mansions and castles but to be honest, they live in normal houses.

"But Dad! You can't choose for me! I don't want to be a vampire, end of!" I argued as he paced around his desk with anger in his eyes.

He turned to me as his eyes went red and bright, his teeth growing pointy as his fangs revealed themselves.

He lunged at me... And it all went black.

Time skip

I woke up in my bed, my head pounding. I stood up and walked in the mirror and looked at myself, god I looked awful.

My skin was pale-
Wait. Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Did my dad change me? I looked around my room to see if anything had changed... nothing. I guess I'm just tired today.

I got dressed and put makeup on to cover my dead-looking skin. The time on my phone was 10:00 AM so I had an hour before Tara and I's lunch date.

I was wearing a long black skirt with a black cropped long sleeve. I also wore my red beat Converse and white headphones, 'Cemetery Girl' by insane clown posse blasting through them.

I walked out and saw my dad's smug face, god he pissed me off when he smiled that that.

"Looking very pale today, Viola" He commented arrogantly, using my full name.

"Thanks, Benard" I retorted, using his tactics against him. I saw anger flash across his red eyes but fade as soon as he caught that I noticed.

I stepped out into the L. A sun and immediately started feeling ill, my skin flaring with a burning sensation.

I quickly dug through my tote bag, grabbed a bottle of sunscreen and rubbed it all over my arms.

The feeling went away slightly but still felt bad, I pulled out an umbrella which I just happened to have in my tote bag of wonders and extended it to cover me.

I walked out of my driveway to see Tara's bright pink mini. She rolled down the window and gave me a bright smile while waving at me.

"Hey, girl!" She exclaimed as I walked over to her car and got in, putting my umbrella down back into my bag.

"What's with the umbrella,- Woah you look like shit, no offence" She commented making me huff.

"I-... I think my dad may have changed me while we were arguing, I passed out and woke up looking pale and shit" I told, making her gasp as she pulled out of the driveway.

"What an ass! I know you wanted to stay human" She frowned. I could always talk to her about anything, that's why I adore our friendship.

"It might not be true though turning takes hours, but the sun burns and I look pale as shit" I huffed, pulling my studded sunglasses onto my head.

We pulled up to the Starbucks, the one near us had no drive which sucked so we had to go inside.

Of course there w, thereweree extremely sketchy alleyways on either side, both rolled with trash cans.

My skin started to burn again, my head was pounding and my vision was going blurry. I tried to stumble into the coffee shop but my double vision led me to the alley.

I felt my legs give out making me drop to the floor. My head hit the ground making tears fall from my eyes.

My teeth and gums were aching and felt numb, I felt a thirst in my throat. What's happening to me?, Am I changing? Am I having a sort of seizure!?

A tall male walked and crouched in front of me, I could barely see his face. He lifted my front lip and inspected my teeth.

I couldn't think, I couldn't hear anything but white noise and talking. The mystery man pulled up my eyelid and looked into my eyes, I hissed as the sun hit them.

I heard a high-pitched voice shouting, I couldn't hear a word of what she was saying.

They seemed to be talking in a panicked or concerned tone, I think I'm dying. I feel somebody scoop me into their arms.

I tried to protest by attempting to kick my legs but they stayed stiff, I could barely move my fingers. I was put in the backseat of a car.

My head was on somebody's lap, I think it's Tara's. She rubs my head and runs her fingers through my hair.

"I..ts... G-nna..be...Ok-y" She tried to speak but I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't understand it.

I let my eyes close and the pain took me wherever it chose, most likely death.

A/N: The current date I'm writing this is the 31st of January and yes Tara and Jake are still dating in this story!!

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