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Johnnie still had not talked to me, I started to miss him. Usually, he would sleep in my bed or I would sleep in his hut he'd been staying in his office for hours at a time, ignoring me.

I couldn't say I was the only one whom he wasn't talking to because he was not speaking to anyone else either.

I was sitting in my room when Colby knocked on the door, I shouted for him to come in. He walked in sheepishly, did he want something?

"Hey Vee..." He greeted me awkwardly.
"Hey..." I replied, patting the bed next to me for him to come sit down.

"Did you need something?" I questioned him as he stood there daydreaming with a troubled look on his face.

"Well, yes... I mean, kind of?... I need to talk to you about something" He stuttered, now actually starting to worry me. He took in a deep breath before speaking.

"There's no better way to tell you this but... I'm the reason Johnnie's been avoiding you..." He admitted, looking down at his lap.

I laughed, "No you're not, don't blame yourself I'm sure he's just busy right now"

"No... It is, I told him to stop whatever you have going on between you guys" Colby spat out. I looked at him in disgust.

"What? Why would you do that?!" I yelled, standing up to try and intimidate him. Which ultimately failed since he's 5'11 and I'm 5'3.

He stood up which made him taller, getting in my face.

"I didn't have a choice, Violet! With you distracting him, anything could happen! And it doesn't help that your dumb-fuck brother saw you!" He shouted back making my blood boil.

I pushed him out of my face "Don't you fucking speak about my brother like that, your NOTHING to me" I spat, pushing the door open and slamming it harshly behind me.

Sam and Jake were outside looking at me with confusion.

"What happened in there? Was that Colby?" Sam asked, puzzled at all of the yelling coming from my room.

"Yeah, and he's a fucking dick. Could you believe he told Johnnie to stay away from me?!" I exclaimed, Sam sighed.

"I'll talk to him about it," He said, going into my room to where Colby probably was still sitting on my bed.

"You okay?" Jake asked, still confused. I nodded and huffed. Went into the living room where Johnnie was sitting. I sat on the other side of the couch.

He turned his phone off and stood up to go back upstairs, probably to avoid me.

"If you didn't want this... whatever we have to carry on you could've just told me" I stopped him, and he looked back at me sympathetically.

"It's not that Vee... It's just that Colby-" Yeah I know, and you listened to him" I choked up, trying not to cry. God, I was such a pussy.

"I didn't wanna let it get to be Violet, I didn't.." He confessed, now he looked as if he was going to cry.

After a minute of silence, he finally spoke up.

"I'm sorry Vee... D'you forgive me?" He asked, almost pleading by the look in his eyes. Did I forgive him? I mean, I get why he did it but then again I don't.

I stood up and walked over to him, bringing him into a hug.

"It's okay Johnnie, I forgive you. Just don't do it again" I smiled, he sniffled and hugged me back.

"What a pussy..." Tara, who came out of nowhere joked. Making me and Johnnie both laugh.

I missed this.

A/N: guess who's uploading whore regularly😈😈


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