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Dread filled me for the next few days. I wish I could just speak to Johnnie about it but he's been in his office all morning with the door locked.

I walked out of my room and headed toward Sam's room, I love Tara but she's a bit much at times.

As I made my way further down the hallway nerves rose in me, what if Johnnie told Sam what happened and now he hates me?

I doubt that since Sam and Johnnie aren't that close and Johnnie doesn't seem the type to spread his business around.

All of a sudden, I felt a weight knock on me. I fell to the ground and looked around confused. I looked above me to see Johnnie looking at me with a cold expression.

He held his hand out and helped me up, still with a blank stare on his face. I could tell something was bothering him though.

We stood awkwardly for a few seconds before Johnnie cleared his throat and began to speak, I cut him off before he could.

"Look, Johnnie. I'm sorry for what I said, I like you, I do. I was just scared because of something Colby said" I confessed, his face softened a bit. He perked up at the Colby part.

"What did he say?" He asked, with a blank tone with a hint of anger. I could tell he was annoyed at Colby.

"He... He warned me, told me not to... Fall for you because you've never loved anyone" I admitted, Johnnie's face turned to one of anger. Fuck, this is all my fault I shouldn't have told him. Now Colby is going to hate me and so will Sam because Colby's his best friend. I messed up big time.

Without a word, Johnnie stormed down the hall. I ran after him and stood in front of him.

"Johnnie please don't. It was shitty for him to do that I get it but it's not worth it" I challenged, he shoved me out of the way making me fall into a bedroom door handle.

I held my rib as Johnnie continued to the kitchen. I heard Johnnie yelling and a huge thud.

I slid down the wall and put my head in my hands. I didn't ask to be here, and now I am going to be stuck here for the rest of my life knowing they all hate me.

The door opened making me move, I looked up to see Jake. Me and Jake have known each other since high school, he was the only one who helped me when I was being bullied.

I stood up making him pull me into a hug, this was kind of strange but I didn't mind it. I wiped my tears and pulled away, I didn't want to be vulnerable anymore.

"Wanna talk about it?" Jake suggested, I nodded causing him to open his door wider so we could both go in.

I sat on his messy bed as he sat on his gaming chair which he had pulled away from his desk.

I rambled about everything, about how me and Johnnie kissed, about him and Colby and how I was scared about having nobody.

"Hang on... Johnnie kissed you? Like he kissed first?" He questioned making me nod. Jake looked really shocked.

"Ugh, what is so crazy about this? Why does everybody make a big deal out of it?" I asked annoyed. I think it's kind of means to be shocked that your friend kissed s girl but whatever.

"You do realise that Johnnie is the most powerful man in the scene right? You being with him is HUGE. If it ever gets out, you'll be in danger Violet" Jake informed me. Why would people even care?

A knock on the door made me jump, Jake shouted at them to come in. Johnnie walked in, he didn't have a mark on him which was good. At least he didn't get into a fight.

"Is Violet in her-" He cut himself off once he saw me, he looked... Sad.

"Uhm...Violet, can I talk to you in my office?" He asked clearing his throat and standing up straight. I nodded, confused and followed him, waving goodbye to Jake.

Johnnie stayed silent as we took the long walk to his office. I heard a loud bang of thunder and the soft taps of rain hit the ground outside.

He unlocked the door and let me in. He looked like he wanted to cry, this was the first time he's shown this kind of emotion.

"Listen Vee... I've never... felt like this toward anyone, it's really dangerous. Most relationships in this are planned, forced." He took a deep breath in before continuing.

"What I'm saying is... If you want this, if you want this to work then you're gonna be miserable. You can only come to work-related events and you're going to need to get your family's approval. It's tradition" He told me, did I want this? I mean, yeah I really like Johnnie and he feels the same but... I need to think about it.

"C-can I think about it?" I asked making him nod and smile at me. He had such a nice smile, it's a shame he has a resting angry face.

"Your smile is so beautiful..."  I complimented, and he blushed a little bit making me laugh. We both stood up to leave his office.

While we were out of the door, I stared into his crystal blue eyes. I leaned up on my tippy toes and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

"Goodnight, Johnnie" I waved, heading back to my room and smiling like crazy. I really do like him, maybe this can work out...

A/N: sorry it took so long to get this chapter out.

Don't forget to vote, love you guys<3

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