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I woke up the next morning smiling, I was so happy I and Johnnie were finally... together. Maybe he'll ask me today.

I made my way to the kitchen to where Sam and Colby were sitting. Sam gave me his usual bright smile and Colby gave me a faltered one.

"I'm sorry about what said Vee-" It's okay Colby, you were just trying to look out for me" I cut him off with a smile.

"Where is everyone?" I asked noticing nobody was there and the house was unusually quiet. Colby shifted uncomfortably and Sam avoided looking at me, what the fuck?

"Guys?" I repeated, they looked scared but Sam spoke up anyway.

"Johnnie's gonna speak to you about it later, you need to stay in your room...for now," He told me making my face screw up.

"Why? I already can't go outside and now I have to stay in my room?!" I raised my voice, and Colby looked angry. I flinched slightly, he reminded me of my dad when he got angry. And that's not a good thing.

"Violet... Go to your room or you're not gonna like the outcome of this..." Colby said, grinding his teeth.

"What are you gonna do Colby?! NOTHING!" I shouted, Colby walked over to me fast. I felt dizzy and the white noise in my ears came back, I'm gonna scream... HOLY FUCK I'M GONNA SCREAM.

I feel my body slump to the ground, I try to fight the sleepiness that came over me but I can't. Why would Colby do this? Was he going to hurt me?


I woke up feeling sick, my head was pounding. I sat up in my bed and immediately regretted it as it made me feel worse.

"Fuckk..." I groaned, standing up from my bed and heading to the bathroom. I splashed cold water over my face before looking at myself, I looked like shit.

I decided to go to Johnnie's room since I just wanted a hug, I've felt so lonely lately. I closed my bedroom door after me and made my way to his office.

Sam and Colby walked passed me. Sam put his head down and Colby scowled, did I do something wrong? I remember a little from yesterday... I was in the kitchen with Sam and Colby, and I fainted... Did I do something wrong?

I knocked on the door and Johnnie shouted to come in. He was writing on a piece of paper, he looked up from it when he noticed it was me.

He stood up from his chair and walked over to me, he snaked his arms around my waist and kissed my lips softly making my knees feel weak.

"Hey" I smiled once he pulled away, he had a guilty look on his face. What is going on?! First Sam, and now Johnnie?

"Do you know if anything happened yesterday? Colby looks like he wants to kill me" I asked, laughing at the last part. Johnnie sighed.

"You keep screaming Vee, that's why you're forgetting. Colby told you to go to your room and you got mad, he came toward you and your instinct kicked in" Johnnie told me, I was shocked.

"I feel horrible... Are Sam and Colby okay?" I questioned, banshee screams could kill if the person was close enough.

"There was some bleeding but they're okay" He reassured me, I bit my lip, I felt like crying. I hurt them just because I was being selfish. I'm a terrible person.

Johnnie must've noticed because he pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist and cried into his shoulder. He kissed my head and whispered down my ear.

"It's okay sweetheart" He mumbled, he can be so sweet when he wants to be. He kissed the side of my head one more time before pulling away.

Johnnie reached his hand up and wiped the tears from my eyes, smiling at me. I smiled again and wiped the remaining tears from my eyes.

"I'm gonna go talk to them, hopefully, they'll forgive me..." I announced doubtfully.

"They will. Trust me" He smiled. I gave him a quick kiss before heading out of his office. I saw Jake about to go in as I went out.

I made my way to Sam's room where they were both sitting on his bed talking. I knocked on the door lightly causing them to tell me to come in.

I walked in hesitantly, Colby tensed up slightly but Sam had a warm smile.

"Oh hey, Vee!" He exclaimed, motioning for me to come sit with them. I sat down on the bed and sighed.

"I-... I'm sorry about yesterday... I can't control when I scream at all" I admitted making their faces soften.

"It's okay Vee. I was angry because I didn't know until Jake told me, I felt horrible" Colby replied making me smile.

"So... Are we okay?" I questioned making them both nod. We talked a little more until I was tired.

I went to my room to see Johnnie pretending to be asleep in my bed. I laughed before changing into my pyjamas and getting into the bed next to him.

He moved closer to me and rested his head on mine. I was so comfortable, he made me happy.

A/N: chapter, vote hoes

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