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One week later

We had tried to get me to scream on command for the rest of the week but nothing was working.

We tried bringing in other banshees, making me mad, but nothing was working. Johnnie was told earlier today that he had something at the office waiting for him, he hasn't been right since.

He's been cold and distant, I hate that. It reminds me of my father, he would never raise his voice. Oh no. He would give me the silent treatment for hours, days, weeks. And the worst part was, he would make my brothers do the same.

Leo and Tate were always my favourites, they treated me like a sister, not like a pathetic animal.

Jonah and Weston on the other hand were... Violent. They were just like my dad, whatever my father instructed them to do, they did.

I remember one day when I was 16, I went to my first high school prom. I remember me and Tara buying dresses, and picking dates.

I remember how I looked in my beautiful black dress, long and flowy, I felt like a princess. Until my dad came downstairs, he looked disgusted.

I was called a whore, a slut, and fat. I was never the same, after all of that happened. In fact, I starved myself for weeks until I collapsed. Tate rushed me to the hospital and lied to Dad for me, god knows what he would've done if he'd found out what I did.

I reach down and feel the bumpy lines on my arm, I'm wearing one of Johnnie's hoodies to make me feel better. I feel the panic rise in me as I feel the almost healed scabs. I need to make more.

It's weird, I should be happy about them healing but I feel worse. God, I'm so fucking pathetic. I feel tears well up in my eyes as the door creaks open, it's Jake.

"Hey Violet- Dude, what's wrong?" He cut himself off, rushing over to me and sitting down on my bed beside me.

"It's stupid..." I cried, wiping my eyes with my sleeve leaving a darker stain on the soft fabric.

"It's probably not if you're crying about it Vee, you can always talk to me I promise" Jake reassured but I just shook my head, I didn't need to burden him with my problems.

"Thanks, Jake, but I'll talk to Johnnie about it... What did you wanna ask?" I put on a fake smile and questioned.

"Speaking of Johnnie... He wants to see you" Jake informed me, making me nod in confusion. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways, him going to Tara's room, and me going to Johnnie's office.

I creaked open the door to see him sitting there deep in thought, he didn't even notice me standing awkwardly by the door.

"Johnnie?" I asked making him lift his head. His face immediately went to one of concern.

"What happened?" He asked, coldly. I tried not to cry, this was bringing up way too many bad memories I had suppressed for years. A whole can of worms that didn't need to open, not now.

He looked at the sadness in my face and the tears falling down my face, but that sadness turned to anger.

"You can't keep doing this to me! You ignore me and look what happens!" I exclaimed, roughly wiping my tears off of my face.

"You cant do that to me, Johnnie... You can't" I sobbed, Johnnie walked over to me softly and wrapped his arms around me protectively.

"I'm sorry sweetheart" He mumbled into my hair, kissing the top of my head. "Todays just been stressful, It wasn't on purpose I promise" He whispered. Still, with his arm wrapped around me, he brought me into his bedroom.

Johnnie laid me in the bed and pulled the covers over me before getting in next to me. He pulled me into his chest and held me close.

He had a strange heartbeat, I guess vampires have heartbeats still. I nuzzled into him and closed my eyes trying to fall asleep.

A/N: pls dont kill me school is stressful 😭

anyway, I love you guys, vote or I'll cry

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