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I lifted my head making it immediately start hurting, my whole body felt sore and numb. What is happening?

"What the fuck?... Johnnie?" I called out, trying to get somebody's attention. I heard shuffling next to me. Suddenly, somebody's arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me up.

I hissed as the sunlight hit me, an umbrella was out over me immediately. I looked down at my hands, shards of glass stuck out of my arms and legs. There was blood everywhere.

"W-What happened?" I asked Johnnie who was standing over me. He just kneeled and pulled me into a hug, picking me up bridal style in his arms.

"You're in shock Violet, you can't feel it but it's gonna hurt pretty fucking bad soon" He spoke, carrying me into a black car parked next to our destroyed one. Jake stood next to us keeping the umbrella over me only.

"Hey... Why aren't you burning?" I asked, Johnnie motioned to a ring on his pointer finger. It was a plain silver ring with a solid black stone on it.

"Obsidion. Matures won't burn with it" He informed me. How come I'm only learning about all of this stuff now? Did my family shelter me that much?

I tried to respond but my head was spinning, I felt drunk. I think Johnnie notices because he wrapped his arm around my waist sending butterflies throughout my body. I know it's not the right time but God is he hot.

Jake got in the driver's seat, he had a huge bloody gash on his forehead, and looking at it made me cringe. I would've spoken but my throat was killing me.

I felt like shit, I felt dizzy and my whole body was acheing. I laid my head on Johnnie's shoulder, hoping he wouldn't mind. Thank god he didn't. I let my eyes close as I slowly but surely fell asleep

Ts - When they get home

I lifted my head to see that I was on the couch, using Johnnie's lap as a pillow. He was just on his phone like it was nothing.

I looked down to see I was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, it was super baggy. I had clean bandages on making me panic. Johnnie must've noticed my disturbed face because he looked down on me with sympathy.

"Don't look at me that way... I hate that look..." I spoke with tears softly running down my face. I tried to stop crying, I didn't want to show him my weak side. But I just couldn't help it.

"Violet..." Johnnie whispered, pulling me into his arms. I don't like Johnnie, he is rude,  arrogant, and flat-out annoying but at this moment I don't care.

He kissed my head as I cried into his arms, I know most people would call me a freak and push me away but he didn't.

I wiped my eyes and pulled away from the hug, I looked in his cold eyes to see tears forming in them. He tilted his head up, trying not to cry.

"Violet...I need to talk to you about something... But you can't get mad at the others, I made them keep it" He said, my face turned into one of confusion.

"You're... You're not... You're not like us, Violet. You're very different. You see, you're half banshee. That is not normal for newborns, you are only supposed to develop that when you're mature" He rambled, I took in a deep breath. What did this mean? Was I just... Not normal?

"Are you mad?" He questioned, I shook my head no.

"I'm not mad Johnnie, yeah it's annoying that you kept it from me but I understand" I smiled, fidgeting with my bandage.

His eyes flickered making me look at him with concern. He held his jaw and grunted. What the fuck?

"C-could you not... Mess with that?" He pleaded making me gasp and move my hand. How could I be so stupid?

"I-I'm so sorry Johnnie, I completely forgot" I apologised causing him to shake his head in disagreement.

"It's okay, it happens" He chuckled at my concerned face. I sighed and leaned back on the couch, resting my head on his shoulder.

"You have to stop that though... I'm being serious Vee. I don't like seeing you hurt..." He mumbled down my ear, clearly tired.

"I think I'm gonna go to sleep..." Johnnie yawned, I nodded and walked with him to his bedroom. He got in his bed straight away making me laugh.

I shut the curtains for him and moved a few clothes off the floor. I was about to leave when I heard Johnnie's voice mumble and his hand grab mine.

"Stay..." He groaned, about to fall asleep right there and then. I huffed and shook my head making him grab my hand tighter.

"Please..." He begged making me give in and get into the bed with him. I pulled the covers over us both and snuggled into the blankets.

Johnnie wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I usually would've gotten mad but I've actually got a sort of soft spot for him.

Most girls would fall asleep to the sound of their... uh... whatever you would call this' heartbeat but uhm... Mine doesn't have one...

A/N: sorry I haven't been uploading I've been struggling a lot lately but what would you think about book 3 of the "you" series?

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