Wʜʏ's ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ᴀᴄᴛɪɴɢ sᴏ ᴡᴇɪʀᴅ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ?

156 15 7

TW- Self-harm


I sat up in my bed and looked around the room, it all looked as it did yesterday. I don't remember a lot except for the fact that... WAIT, WHY IS JOHNNIE IN MY BED?! I shook him in an attempt to wake him up, his black hair was messy.

"Why're you in here?" I questioned making a smile form on his face, he was fucking annoying.

"Don't worry sweetheart, nothing happened. You were just upset about yesterday, that's all" He told me, causing my face to scrunch up in confusion, I don't remember exactly what happened, all I know is the feeling. The one of betrayal and sadness, if only I could remember what caused it.

"W-what happened exactly?" I asked, his face turned to one of worry for a second before it went back to its normal cold one. 

"It's nothing for you to worry about, you should uh... Get changed, we're going on a group outing" He lied, I know something went on yesterday he's just hiding it from me. But I'll find out, trust me on that one.

I nodded and gave him a thumbs up as he walked out of the door, I didn't even have any clothes so I was going to have to visit Tara. I walked out of my bedroom and headed to Tara's room. I saw Jake on the way there and he gave me a scared look.

I gave him a confused look making his face immediately go to one of realisation. What is with everybody today?

I decided to just ignore it and head to Taras's room to borrow some clothes. I walked down the long, narrow hall to where she was.

I knocked on the door and she opened it, she had red puffy eyes. I immediately pulled her into a hug, I swear if Jake hurt her...

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I questioned in concern, she looked at me puzzled. Tara too? What's up with everybody?

"Shit... It's just hay fever Vee, what do you need?" She asked, letting me into her bedroom.

"Uh... Johnnie said we're going out and I kind of don't have any clothes..." I murmured, she smiled and brought me into a hug.

"Come, take whatever you need. We'll take you shopping later today" She smiled, suddenly having a random mood change.

I looked through her wardrobe, and all she had was short-sleeved clothes and cropped shirts. I hate my stomach.

I managed to find a baggy sweatshirt and some leggings, it's not the best but it'll do for now. I just need to hide the cuts until they're scars.

"Is that what you're wearing? It's summer Violeg, you'll get heatstroke" She asked concerned.

"It's fine, I think I'm sick... I've been really cold lately...," I lied. Tara just nodded as I said my goodbyes and went back to my room to get changed.

I went into the bathroom and started changing, I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror. I look disgusting.

My stomach is too big, my thighs are too fat. I ran my fingers along the bumpy scars scattered around my thighs.

I felt like I was going to be sick. Tears came to my eyes as I stared at myself in disgust. I wiped my eyes and started looking around, I opened the cabinet and found a small box of new razor blades.

I carefully took one out and placed it on the counter, I took it into my shaly hands and ran it along my wrist. I hissed as tears came flooding down my face.

I placed the bloody blade down and looked frantically for a tissue. I held the tissue down onto my arm where the cut was, my vision going slightly blurry. Shit, I cut too deep again.

Once the bleeding stopped and my vision went back to normal, I found the first aid box and began wrapping the wound in gauze. Now I was going to have to hide this cut for weeks.

I continued getting ready, I brushed my teeth with the toothbrush they left for me and brushed my hair with the comb on the side of the counter.

I walked out of the bathroom and went to my bedroom, I put the razor blade under my pillow so Johnnie wouldn't find it.

Then, I made my way to the front door to find my shoes. I only had my boots from yesterday so I just put them on.

I decided to not look in the mirror just to avoid any slip-ups and went straight to the kitchen to find Johnnie.

When I got there, Johnnie, Sam, and Colby were sitting around the counter talking. I stood there awkwardly until Sam noticed me.

"Violet! Are you feeling okay?" He asked, walking over to me and inspecting my face. I looked at him confused before Colby walked over and elbowed him. Something's up with these guys...

Johnnie walked over to me and stood behind me protectively.

"Are you ready to leave?" He whispered down my ear, I nodded making him grab my hand and bring me to the front of the house.

There was security at every corner of the house, I felt intimidated, and small. Johnnie must've noticed because he rubbed my arm with his hand, trying to comfort me.

I winced as his hand touched the wound, he looked at me concerned. Shit. I quickly pulled away and sat in the car where Jake was already sitting.

"Oh. Hey Jake" I smiled as he waved. Johnnie got in the front seat next to the driver, Johnnie told him where to go... The mall?!

Well, Tara did say we were going shopping but did I have to go with these guys? Ugh, my life is shit.

Once we got there, we headed to the target straight away since they needed some things too. Jake decided to go by himself and leave Johnnie with me.

I was looking through racks of clothes when I felt his breath on my neck making me jump.

"Do you have to stand so close to me?" I scoffed, moving away from him. He just raised his eyebrows at me.

"You're not gonna talk to me about earlier?" Johnnie questioned making me huff, of course, he was going to bring it up.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." I lied, just wishing the subject would go away completely.

"Don't play dumb Violet. We're talking when we get home" He insisted, I just felt sick. Nobody at home ever cared enough to talk about it. In my family, they thought it was just best to forget about it and never speak of it... They viewed it as shameful to be struggling with your mental health. It's all bullshit.

I pushed away the bad thoughts and continued shopping as if they knew, Jake and Johnnie appeared and took me over to the cash registers to pay for what I got.

I pulled my card or of my wallet so I could pay causing Johnnie to swat my hand away and lay before I could protest. I groaned making him laugh as he handed the bag to Jake.

We went to a couple more stores so I could get the regular hygiene things like shampoo before we headed back into the car so we could go home for the day. It was already evening!

We all piled into the car as the driver started heading back home. We were on a desolate highway when I heard a huge bang.


A/N: Haha cliffhanger!

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