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Today Johnnie was taking us all to an event. Shocking, since I usually had to stay inside my room.

I didn't mind since my room was pretty big in fact, the whole house was big. The whole vibe for the meeting was fancy so everybody was wearing suits and dresses. I was wearing a floor-length black dress with a long slit going up the left leg.

(the dress in question)

(the dress in question)

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The people going were me, Tara, Johnnie, Jake, Sam, and Colby along with many bodyguards.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked okay but I would look better with some makeup though. I walked to Tara's room with my chunky shoes clicking against the floor.

I knocked on the door and heard her yell come in so I walked in. She was wearing a thigh-length red dress, she looked stunning.

 She was wearing a thigh-length red dress, she looked stunning

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"You look so beautiful!" I complimented, sitting down next to her as she painted her lips a similar red.

"You do too! What did you need?" She asked, putting down her tube of deep red lipstick and turning to me.

"Uh, I was wondering if I could use some of your make-up. I haven't bought some yet" I requested. She walked over to a drawer and opened it.

"Take whatever you need" Tara smiled, gesturing for me to go over. I stood up and looked in the draw to see what I could get.

I picked up a beauty blender, a pale concealer which would match my skin tone, mascara and eyelash curlers, and eyeliner.

I thanked her and went back to my room and the bathroom attached to it. I put the make-up on and looked at myself, even make-up didn't stop me from feeling insecure.

I turned to the side, my stomach was too big. You could see it poking through the dress. I could feel my thighs touch, I shouldn't have eaten earlier, I looked so fat.

The door creaked open to reveal Sam, he looked at me sympathetically before turning to me.

"You look great Vee, don't stress about it it's gonna be fine" He reassured making me smile and calm down. We walked out together and to the living room where everyone was waiting.

Johnnie looked at me weirdly before wrapping his arms around me protectively. We all walked toward a massive limo, everybody else got in except me and Johnnie.

"We're gonna go separate, it's too dangerous for all of us to go together" He spoke coldly, the tone I hadn't heard for a while. That scared me.

We arrived at a huge mansion flooded with people, we all got out of the car and met with the rest of our group. I stood close to Tara.

Johnnie took us all to the side to give us a pep talk, well, more like instructions and warnings.

"So, girls. Just stay quiet, don't speak unless you're spoken to. Guys, talk to our partners but don't spark drama with other covens" Jonnie instructed, I was glad I just got to sit there and look pretty. I wasn't prepared to talk to anybody.

We all entered the huge building packed with people. I saw beautiful women lusting over Johnnie making me feel jealous immediately.

Sam, Tara, and I all sat in a small seating area while Johnnie, Jake, and Colby talked to many men. Colby looked off like he'd seen a ghost.

"Oh my gosh! Are you Violet Salvator?" A small peppy girl squealed, startling me. I looked at her with confusion before nodding cautiously.

"I'm Elenor! It's so good to finally meet you!" The girl I know knew as Elenor introduced herself, sticking her hand out.

I shook her hand but still looked at her with confusion, how did she know my name? How did she know who I was?

"Oh! My bad, I'm your brother's girlfriend. Jonah" My face dropped once she said that, if she's here, then Jonah's here... But if Jonah's here, then so's my father.

I looked at Tara and Sam panicked, we all shared the same look. Just as we were about to get up and leave, an announcement chimed. It was ready for the dinner.

Sam tapped his earpiece and whispered, he gestured for us to follow him which we did. We were led to a massive dining table full of people. I was sat in between Colby and Johnnie but I kept my head down.

Once we were told to start eating, I couldn't. Fear flowed through my veins, I was so scared of my father, of my brothers.

I lifted my head to see none other than Tate and Jonah sitting in front of me. Tate looked at me shocked, and Jonah looked furious. I could tell they both wanted to say something but you can't here, it's forbidden.

I saw Colby clenching his fists in anger, I forgot he had something with the Salvator coven. Johnnie stayed emotionless.

Even though I tried to avoid it, I could feel Jonah's glare burning into my head. Johnnie shot him a look, making him look down.

Jonah was always a coward, Johnnie could have him gone without a trace in seconds. He's nothing compared to Johnnie.

Once the meal was over, I stayed by Johnnie's side. I tried not to cry but it was hard. I just wanted to hold Johnnie's hand and for him to comfort me but he was being distant again.

I saw Tate rushing over to me and immediately looked at Johnnie for help, he didn't seem to notice.

"Violet?! Oh my god... Where have you been? God, I thought Dad... never, I'm just glad you're okay" Tate rambled, going in to hug me only to be pushed away by Johnnie.

I wanted to shout at him but that's not how it works, it didn't matter. I was just a tiny puzzle piece.

"Tate Salvator, I see you Violet's brother," Johnnie said flatly, making Tate straighten up. He was always weak.

Tate cleared his throat and nodded, trying to be professional.

"I know our covens don't have the best history but Violets is with us now" Johnnie announced to him making his jaw drop to the floor.

"Y-you can't! She's a Salvator. You can't change that" Tate defended, standing up for himself and trying to stand up for me.

"It's okay Tate, I'm fine" I reassured him, he looked like he'd been punched in the gut but nodded.

"We'll be leaving now" Johnnie said, making Tate walk away. I felt a tear drop fall down my face but I quickly wiped it away. Johnnie tapped his earpiece and told everybody to meet him out front.

We walked out into the crisp air making me shiver in just my tiny dress, I looked up at Johnnie to pick at his thoughts but there was nothing. It felt like we were back to square one.

I saw Sam looking at me sympathetically as the whole group came toward us, Tara ahd her heels in her hands.

"You okay Vee?" Sam questioned, I wiped away a tear and nodded causing him to pull me into a side hug.

This time around, we all got into the same limo. Everybody was silent and I had a feeling somthing happened ; something that I probably wont be told...

A/N: lalalalala I took ages to update sorryyyy.

anywayss i love you all, dont forget to vote<33

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