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Today the whole group was taking me out with them. Colby talked to Johnnie about how I can't control the screaming so they're gonna help me keep it under wraps.

Everybody was ready to leave but we were waiting for Tara to finish getting ready. I was scared to go, I didn't even know where the place we were going was.

Jake leaned in closer to me so he could whisper something down my ear.

"You okay?" He asked, I nodded reassuringly making him give me a thumbs up. He always knew how to cheer me up.

Tara came into the room signifying that we could go. We went out into the car where Johnnie was waiting for us.

I got in the passenger seat and smiled at him, his face was so beautiful. He rubbed his hand along my thighs sending shivers through my body.

After about half an hour's drive, we arrived at a tall, ominous, and grey building. I was scared just looking at it.

Johnnie scanned his hand on the sensor making it be and allowing us to enter through the steel door.

As we were walking down a long corridor, a small grimy man stared deeply into my eyes, creeping me out.

"You got a problem?" Johnnie snapped making the man snap out of it and shake his head no in fear.

It was kind of hot how everybody in here just listened to him and did what he said just by a glance.

We approached a glass door which opened automatically revealing a huge space with padded walls, it looked like a mental hospital from the 1940s.

Everybody walked through the doors and I followed wearily. I was scared now. God, I have a bad feeling about this.

"You okay Vee?" Tara asked as I re-joined the group. I put on a fake smile and nodded, I needed to stay strong.

The rest of the group went into a small compartment on the side while Johnnie faced me from across the room.

"Listen, Violet, you have to pretend like you're in a situation where you need to defend yourself against me," Johnnie told me.

"You just need to channel that feeling of hate and just run at me and attack, you got it?" Johnnie instructed, and fear flowed through me. Did I have to hurt him?

"I don't know Johnnie...I-I don't wanna hurt you..." I trembled in my spot. He looked at me sympathetically.

"It's okay Vee, you won't hurt me. Just go when you ready" He reassured, making me nod my head cautiously.

I looked deep into his eyes trying to find a reason to hate him. He took me away from my life, but I hated it anyway. He was forcing me to be here, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

"I-I can't. I can't find anything to make me mad" I admitted, he nodded and walked over to me pulling me into a hug.

He told me to stay put while he went back to where the rest of the group was looking with confusion.

"She needs someone she hates, any ideas Tara?" I heard through the 'soundproof' walls. Tara leaned forward and whispered down Johnnie's ear but he shook his head.
What are they talking about?

They all came out and said we were leaving, I guess I'm never getting this bullshit scream under control.

"Hey it's okay, I'm just gonna have to piss you off more" Johnnie winked and kissed the side of my head. He always knew how to make me feel better.

A small thin girl gave me a dirty look and mumbled something under her breath as she walked past me. I looked back in confusion.

"You got something to say, Avah?" Tara asked, the girl quickly sped off down the hall making Tara giggle.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, half the girls here are in love with Johnnie" She joked making me laugh.

"I'm just so handsome" Johnnie joked, flicking his hair over his shoulder like he was in a makeup commercial.

"I love your confidence..." I replied sarcastically. Today was sort of a flop but at least we got something fun out of it, I hope...


I just really couldn't find any motivation for this book but it's back!!

Don't forget to vote, love you guys<3

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