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The morning after our night together, I was surprised at how nonchalant Johnnie was. I had stayed in his bed, and I expected him to be angry or at the very least, uncomfortable. But he didn't seem to mind at all.

However, he did tell me that I would have to stay in the house for six long months until I was half-blooded. It was a daunting prospect, but I understood why - I was the first newborn to have a mix.

At the moment, I was in the living room chatting with Tara and Sam. Tara was her usual intense self, and I was grateful for Sam's laid-back demeanour. It was nice to have someone to talk to who wasn't always so serious.

But I must have zoned out because Tara asked me a question, and I didn't even realize it. When I came to, she was looking at me with a deadpan expression. I apologized, feeling embarrassed.

But then she suggested that I learn the ropes a bit since I was going to be alive for eternity. It was a good idea in theory, but I wasn't sure if I was ready for that kind of commitment. After all, Johnnie had told me to stay inside until I was half-blooded.

Just then, Johnnie entered the room and sat down on the couch. He looked different without his makeup, and I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter a bit. It was strange to be getting used to him being around.

But then Colby appeared out of nowhere and whispered in my ear, warning me not to fall for Johnnie. Apparently, he had been alive for over a century and had never been interested in anyone. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. It wasn't like that - I had just zoned out.

Today I felt... Strange. I shouldn't feel this way about Johnnie but something about him makes butterflies wreak havoc in my stomach.

The way his black hair fell over his eyes and the ocean-blue colour of them made my knees feel weak. Was Colby right?

Breathe on the back of my neck caught me off guard, I turned around to see Johnnie. I smiled as my knees began to shake a little, he had so much power over me.

"Okay, guys! We three are going shopping, be back in a while!" Tara exclaimed, walking out of the room leaving only me and Johnnie.

I turned around to be met face to face, our noses almost touching. His cold eyes looked into mine, they flickered between my eyes and my lips.

Without a warning, his lips collided with mine. They were soft and cold. I kissed back until I thought. This is wrong, we can't be doing this. We're living in the same coven, we will see each other's faces for the rest of eternity. I pulled away from the kiss to see his hungry eyes, I moved back a little.

"Johnnie,...We can't, you know this" I whispered, his face turned back into that cold one I knew so well.

Before I could say another word, he stormed out of the room and headed toward his bedroom. The door slams rather loudly behind him.

I felt tears well up in my eyes, I wanted to be with him, I did but... It would never work, I should've never kissed back. This is all my fault Im so FUCKING STUPID!

How could I just lead him on like that? I'm a horrible person... Tears fell on my face as I sulked my way back to my room.

I didn't even want to hurt myself. Hurting myself meant hurting Johnnie, and I had already done enough of that.

I sat and cried in my bed until I eventually fell asleep. God, I'm so fucking stupid...

A/N: sorry the chapter took so long to come out, hope you guys are doing okay.

love you all, don't forget to vote<3

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