Chapter 1. Darkest Day

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Tanjiro Tsugikuni, the eldest son of Kie and Tanjuro Tsugikuni.

He was collecting charcoal to sell in the town, after his father passed away, he had the burden of supporting the family.
As he was done, he started walking away as to leave, just then his mother called out to him

"Tanjiro, you don't have to go today you know? it's snowing and it could be dangerous"
Kie said as she looked at her son in worry.

"Don't worry about me mother, I'll be fine, I just want to help and support the family after Father's passed away."
Tanjiro said with a smile

"Fine then, just be careful okay?"
Kie said.

"I will, mother"
Tanjiro said in an reassuring tone.

As he was leaving, he saw Nezuko with his brother, Rokuta.

"Hey Onii-chan!"
Nezuko said as she carried Rokuta on her back.

"Oh hi, Nezuko"
Tanjiro says.

"I put Rokuta to sleep otherwise he would've made a scene when you left"
Nezuko said as she looked over to her little brother sleeping on her back.

"He's so lonely ever since Father passed away"
Tanjiro said.

Nezuko said in a sad tone.

"Alright then I'll be going now, you two should get back inside or you might catch a cold you know"
Tanjiro said.

"Take care!"
Nezuko said.

Tanjiro managed to sell a ton of coal and help the people.

Tanjiro started walking up the mountain. as he was walking, he immediately sensed something bad has happened, he quickly rushed over to his house to find everyone dead. He was in shock when suddenly he felt a presence behind him, it was Nezuko.

She had been turned into a demon.
She leapt forward to Tanjiro but Tanjiro knocked her out by chopping her neck. He stared at her as she struggled to get up, Tanjiro snaps out and then went over to her, however she strikes again with blinding speed. However before he can do anything, wind starts pushing by making it difficult to see. As it clears up, he doesn't see Nezuko on him anymore,

He then finally located his now demon sister but then suddenly. Someone appeared behind him. It was a dark haired man with a mixed haori, he tries to attack Nezuko. But Tanjiro pushes her aside causing her to roll away

The man was surprised by his speed. Tanjiro rushed over to Nezuko and pinned her down to the ground and screamed


As he said that, the man then starts explaining that his sister has turned into a demon and that she'll start killing humans soon enough. He says his name is Giyuu Tomioka.

Tanjiro then starts saying that he'll heal his sister and that they'll get through it together.

Giyuu then prepares to kill his sister as he puts his hand on the hilt of his sword.
Giyuu dashes at Tanjiro, Tanjiro tries to duck in to avoid the attack but fails.
Giyuu was now holding his sword to the neck of his sister.
Tanjiro tries to do something but Giyuu noticed that
"Don't move!"
Giyuu said.

"I must now kill your sister, as it is my job"
He said.

Giyuu stabs Nezuko in the chest causing her to scream out loud

"Stop it!"
Tanjiro yelled.
He then gets a vision of his father explaining the breathing styles to him.
As he said that, he tried to go and rush after Giyuu, but Giyuu managed to dodge and hit him in the stomach and also cutting off Nezuko's fingers.

"I said stop!"
Tanjiro said as a dark aura surrounded him.

Tanjiro then dashes over at Giyuu

Hinokami Kagura. Dance!

Tanjiro delivers a high-powered slash at Giyuu, he tried to block it but then the hatchet cuts through his Nichirin sword.

How did he do that? Who is this kid? He knows breathing styles and he's not even a demon slayer. I know for a fact this isn't flame breathing, the flames are way hotter and the forms are different.

Giyuu thought.

As Tanjiro was attacking him, Giyuu realizes something

Those eyes. They don't have any kind of emotion, hatred, anger, happiness. Nothing, and what is this weird presence? He doesn't have any kind of aura or battle spirit, Its comparable to that of a plant.

Giyuu thought.

Giyuu then tries to knock him out but...

Hinokami Kagura. Fake Rainbow

Tanjiro performs quick movements to create afterimages.

Tanjiro is now behind Giyuu,
Tanjiro tries to attack him but then he is knocked unconscious due to the amount of energy he used in the two forms of the breathing style he used.

This kid..he was able to overpower me, A hashira. Could the prophecy be true? Is he really the man who's going to kill the progenitor of demons?

He then looks over to Tanjiro's sister.

Nezuko has regained her consciousness. The memories from her human life comes back and she then kicks Giyuu out of the way to protect her brother.

Crap, he's gonna get devoured. She's gonna kill him
Giyuu thought.

But his eyes widen in shock as he sees that the demon is now protecting her brother, She was standing in front of her brother's body. The demon then jumped over to Giyuu, he chops her neck to knock her unconscious.

These siblings, they're different. I don't know why but I feel as if there is something about them.
Giyuu thought.

Tanjiro then wakes up to find a muzzled Nezuko beside him. He looks around and spots the man in front of him. Tanjiro tries to get up and fight to protect his sister.

But Giyuu says.
"I've never seen a demon protecting a human, I'll give you guys a chance. If you're willing to help and to become a Demon Slayer to heal your sister, go to Mt. Sagiri and find a man named Urokodaki Sakonji, tell him that Tomioka Giyuu sent you."
Tanjiro buries his family members and pays his prayers. He then continues his journey to find Urokodaki Sakonji.

1043 words....

Author's note -

Hello everyone! I apologize for the short chapter. I am going to try and write more next time!
Thank you for reading! I really appreciate it.

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