Chapter 17. Infiltrating Entertainment District

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Two days later -

Tanjiro and Tengen along with Inosuke and Zenitsu have arrived at the Entertainment District, Yoshiwara.

The four of them were on a rickshaw.

"Don't get off the rickshaw and don't stand out either!"
Tengen said as the rickshaw brought them to the inside of the Entertainment District.

As he said that, the others got off of the rickshaw, Inosuke was the first to leave with Zenitsu being the second and Tanjiro with Tengen.

"Get back here damnit!" 

Tengen shouted at Inosuke. 

"Hey! Yellow-head, stay where you are!"

He looked at Zenitsu as he said that.

"This is...It looks like daytime"

Tanjiro said.

"This is the Yoshiwara Entertainment District, awash in vanity and desire of men and women. A town of night swirling in love and hate, Flashy isn't it?"

Tengen said.

"What the heck is this!? It's teeming with people!"

Inosuke shouted as he felt a little dizzy due to the amount of people.

Inosuke was terrified of all the people in the Entertainment District, he panicked and his reflexes took over, he suddenly charged at something in the crowds. 

"Coming through!"

Inosuke said as he "boar-rushed"

"What the? Moron!"

Tengen ran over to the spot

Tengen immediately jumped in and grabbed him to get out of there. 

"Where the hell is the yellow-head?"

Tengen shouted as he looked at Tanjiro to get any answers. 

Meanwhile, Zenitsu was walking around the town. Suddenly, three women on a balcony called out to him.
"Hey boy, wanna come in later?"

She said, Zenitsu was blushing slightly as he looked over at the three women.

Tengen then spotted Zenitsu and rushed at him to grab him to get out of there.

"You're too young for that brat!"

He said as he dragged him away.

"See, this place is asleep during the day, at night it sparkles and dazzles. The ideal place for a demon am I right?

"Women who become prostitutes are mostly sold here due to poverty and debt. In return they are given food and clothing and if they can climb up the ranks, a rich man might buy out their contracts. There are ranks among prostitutes as well. The highest ranked "Oiran" is on a different level, Beauty is a given, and she's also intelligent and has mastered every traditional art. She's the breadwinner on which each house has lavished time and money. A woman of distinction" 

Tengen explained.

"Is that right?"

Tanjiro asked

"Alright that's enough scouting, come on" 

Tengen said.

They then go over to a wisteria house.

"Sorry to impose" 

Tanjiro and Tengen say as they enter the wisteria house. After Tanjiro and Tengen went inside, they soon after invitied Zenitsu and Inosuke.

All of them were now sitting inside a wisteria house. 

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