Chapter 2. Mt. Sagiri

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On the way to Sagiri Yama (Mountain)

Tanjiro asks a farmer for a basket and some bamboo straws.

"Sure, but the basket is full of holes"
The farmer said.

"It's alright, I'll pay.
Tanjiro said.

"No you don't have to, after all It has holes anyways. I guess you could also keep the bamboo straws for free"
The farmer refused.

"No I'll pay!"
Tanjiro argued.

"Kid! You really don't have to!"
The farmer repeated.

"It's just a few coins but take them please!"
Tanjiro said as he slapped coins onto the farmer's hand really hard.

The farmer then screams in pain as the coins hit his hands.

Tanjiro then uses the resources to craft a basket to carry Nezuko in the day

Tanjiro then walks over to his sister as he sees her hiding in a cave

Tanjiro puts up the basket in front of her

"Nezuko, can you get inside this? I want to continue traveling through the day."
Tanjiro asked.

she then tries to get in but fails

"Ah! Nezuko has grown so much it was as if yesterday she was small."
Tanjiro thought

"Hey Nezuko, remember you've grown into a woman. Can you do the opposite of that?"
Tanjiro said.

"Get smaller, Nezuko, get smaller."
Tanjiro said as he patted her back.

Nezuko managed to climb into the basket and squeeze herself in.
they continued to walk and then asked a woman for directions.
They then went saw a temple.
Tanjiro smelt a demon and blood inside it.
He pulls out his axe and opens the door carefully, there he sees a demon eating a few men.

Nezuko was drooling.

Then the demon turned around
"Are you two humans? there's something different about you two"
Tanjiro stays quiet.

Then the candle went out and the demon dashed at Tanjiro.
Tanjiro quickly slashed his throat, but the demon already healed.

Tanjiro takes a deep breath and then looks over to the demon.

Hinokami Kagura. Clear Blue Sky

Tanjiro catches the demon off guard and beheads him. The demon is now crumbling in to ashes.
(Using Sun Breathing turns any weapon into a Nichirin Blade)

Tanjiro walks over to his sister watching her drool at the bodies.

Tanjiro POV

"Nezuko, you're not one of those demons, snap out of it."
Tanjiro says as he

Nezuko nods and turns away as to stop drooling.

There sure are many demons out there. This one wasn't the one from my house, his scent was different. Though I can't forgive him for taking innocent lives.
Tanjiro thought.

Tanjiro then buries the dead people and prays for them and as he turns around he sees a man in a blue kimono and a tengu mask

"I am Urokodaki Sakonji, are you the one Tomioka Giyuu sent over to me?"
The man said.

"Yes! I am Tanjiro Tsugikuni."
Tanjiro said.

"Tanjiro, what would you do if your sister kills a human?"
Sakonji asked.


He then slaps Tanjiro

"Too slow! You have such a weak resolve. If your sister devours another human, you must first kill her and then slit out your own stomach, that's what it means to travel with your demon sister. You must never allow her to take a human's life under any circumstances, understood?"
He scolded the young man in front of him.

Tanjiro nods to him.

"Now I shall test you to see whether if you're eligible to be a demon slayer, get your sister and follow me."
Sakonji said.

They then ran for a long time.

God this man is fast, how old even is he? I am barely able to keep up with him, well barely even after using the breathing technique my father used in the Hinokami Kagura
Tanjiro thought.

And then, after hours, they finally arrive.

"Have I passed the test then?"
Tanjiro said as he panted for air.

"No, it hasn't even begun yet."
Sakonji replied.

Urokodaki and Tanjiro go over to the top of the mountain.

"From here, descend the mountain, If you manage to do so before sunrise, I'll accept you as my student."
Sakonji said as he disappears in the mist.

Hah, easy, he thinks I might get lost in the mist. I've already memorized his scent too, now I just need to follow it back before the sun rises.
Tanjiro thought.

And then he walks on to a tripwire which starts to throw rocks at him, he managed to step aside but fells into a hole.

Ah, I see, so this whole mountain is ridden with traps?
Tanjiro thought.

Tanjiro continues to trigger more and more traps

I won't make it before daybreak if I keep falling for these traps. I must use my nose to avoid the traps.
Tanjiro thought.

Tanjiro starts to dodge most of the traps but then he steps on another tripwire which launches him onto a bamboo. The bamboo slams him down.

The sky is starting to turn bright, and the boy still isn't here yet...
Sakonji thought to himself as he looked at the sky.

Just then, the door opens revealing Tanjiro covered in dust and blood.

" back"
Tanjiro managed to utter as he is then knocked unconscious.

Tanjiro Tsugikuni, I have recognized your abilities. My student.
Sakonji thought to himself.

Huh, what is this place? she?
Tanjiro thought as he looked at a woman in front of him.

He looks over to see a pregnant woman smiling at him

He looks over to see a pregnant woman smiling at him

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"make sure to come back safe alright?"
The woman said.

"I will!"
The man in the dream(Tanjiro) said.

Who are these people? Why do they seem so familiar? I feel like I've seen this woman before.
Wait! Could this be the memory of my ancestor? Still, how do I feel like I've seen all of this before?
Tanjiro thought as he looked through the visions of his roots, his ancestors...

Author's note - Hey there people! I wonder what is going to happen next in Tanjiro's dream...

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