Chapter 19. Someone's Dream.

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Tanjiro was lying on his bed, he was recovering after the encounter with the Upper Moon 6, he was just regaining his strength after pouring it all out on Gyutaro.

Tanjiro's Dream -

Tanjiro seemed to be holding something, a tray with some food but for who?

Tanjiro then seemed to walk out of the room, he recognized it immediately, it was his room.

He walked to the front porch to see a red-haired man with a pitch-black Katana sitting over there.

Tanjiro had no control of his body and he just walked out, he had no idea what was happening.

Until he realized...A pitch-black katana, the now rusty one, long red hair...

It was him

Is this a dream?

Tanjiro thought.

"I poured some tea."
Sumiyoshi(Tanjiro) said.

"Ah, thank you"

"Wow, fast asleep. I am so sorry my wife also happened to fall asleep. I am so so sorry, you're a visitor and I made you watch over my kid."
Sumiyoshi said.

"Don't worry about it, birthing a kid and raising them is hard work."
Yoriichi said.

"I'll leave once I drink this tea, it isn't right for me to stay here and eat for free."
He continued.

"No, it's alright, you saved my family, If you weren't there, this child or my wife wouldn't be alive"
Sumiyoshi said.

Yoriichi then sips his tea.

"Alright then, tell me your story for future generations"
Sumiyoshi asked.

"No need, I already have a son to pass down my techniques."
Yoriichi said.

"Still, you saved my life, there's no way to repay this favor but the least I can do is at least pass down your story
or your techniques to my future generations"
Sumiyoshi said.

"Sumiyoshi, masters of their craft always find their way to the same place, even if times have changed, even if it's a new era, even if they have taken different paths, they'll always reach the same place, you seem to see me as a special person of some sort."
Yoriichi then stood up.

"But I couldn't even protect the ones precious to me. I couldn't achieve what I was supposed to in life"
Yoriichi continued.

"I am a man of no worth..."

"I don't know how long I'll live, so please do me a favor and take care of my son..."
Yoriichi said.

Ahh no, please don't. I am begging you please don't think of yourself like that. Tragic...just tragic...

Tanjiro woke up, in what seemed to be a medical room, he was injured, Once again, tears pouring out of his eyes.

"Huh, a dream...where am I?"

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