Chapter 6. First Mission

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14 Days After :

As Tanjiro was outside getting some fresh air, he suddenly smelt steel.
He looked over to see a man with wind chimes and a mask covering his face walking over to him.

"My name is Haganezuka, I have forged Tanjiro Tsugikuni's sword."
Haganezuka said.

"Oh, that's me."
Tanjiro said.

Haganezuka then began explaining how Nichirin swords are made as Tanjiro keeps trying to try and get him inside.

"I see, Hotaru is his usual self, not caring about anything other's have to say" Sakonji mutters inside the house.

Tanjiro then gives up and waits for him to finish, Haganezuka suddenly turned around and shoved his mask on Tanjiro's face, he starts to look over at his hair and his eyes.

"Ah, you're a child of brightness aren't you?"
Haganezuka asked.

"No I am the child of Kie and Tanjuro Tsugikuni."
Tanjiro replied.

"No! I am talking about your red hair and your eyes, when a child like you is born into a family it is considered a cause of celebration. There's a good chance this blade will turn bright red right Urokodaki?"
Haganezuka said.

Urokodaki said inside the house.

"Oh, I didn't know about that."
Tanjiro said in surprise.

They then walk back inside the house.

Haganezuka keeps asking Tanjiro to unsheathe his blade.
"The Nichirin swords are also known as color changing swords"
Haganezuka says

And then as Tanjiro unsheathes his blade, it turns into pitch black.

Both of them said at the same time.

Haganezuka then tries to jump onto Tanjiro but he dodges and then he starts to grip his sword really hard and then it turns into a bright red blade.

Haganezuka is really surprised by this and starts to write about what he witnessed. As he starts to leave, Tanjiro's first mission comes in.

His crow flies in as it starts cawing

"Caw! Caw! Tanjiro Tsugikuni, your mission is at a village near northeast! Northeast! Young girls have been disappearing Caw! Caw!"

"Go on Tanjiro."
Sakonji said.

As Tanjiro is getting dressed up, Sakonji then hands Tanjiro a box.

"Tanjiro, you can use this box to travel with your sister during the day."
He says.

He then explains all of its properties
"Urokodaki-san! This is so light, thank you very much!"
Tanjiro exclaimed.

Tanjiro then walks up to his sister who is hiding in a blanket due to the sunlight.

"Nezuko, can you get in?"
Tanjiro asked.
Nezuko does exactly as told, she is now inside the box.
As Tanjiro is leaving and saying all of his goodbyes to his master.

"Tanjiro, you have so much more potential, I am sure you can do so many things for the Corps."
He says as he pats Tanjiro's head.

"Thank you, Urokodaki-san"
Tanjiro thanks him and starts descending the mountain as his crow leads him.


Tanjiro is now seen walking over to his destination as the crow leads him to it. He eventually arrives at the village

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